I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • Which ignores the context that getting them with a prescription is becoming a functional immposiblity for trans people in the UK. I support the concept that prescription drugs should not be for sale, BUT it is disengenerous that the prescription process is arbitrarily years long and constantly under attack.

    My trans friend who lives in the UK has been forced to get her medication from the web because she has been on a waiting list to get a prescription for over three years now! She actively wants someone with a medical degree involved in her care, but that’s literally immposible for her, despite her well paying job. It’s easy enough to say “don’t break the law” while ignoring the people harmed.

  • Fucking horseshit.

    These drugs aren’t dangerous, and for those that seek them it’s often life saving. This isn’t “illegal prescriptions” like oxy for a high that fuels drug trade. Seriously, there is no gain for humanity by making life MORE difficult for trans folk. Especially in the UK where the wait list for a prescription is literally YEARS long.

    It’s super duper disengenerous to call these illegal drug. Their medicine for people with gender dysphoria, and further restricting their access to it is nothing short of cruelty.

  • It’s noble how many of you are willing to get philosophical about the rise of deep fakes freeing us from puritan beliefs and readdressing the concept of truth.

    While completely fucking ignoring the harassment and extortion of deep fakes. Y’all want to get high minded about YOUR right to free speach using OTHER peoples bodies as a gateway to some utopia, while playing dumb that this is just another form of mysgonstic abuse. If it truly is just you something you are doing in the privacy of your own home, why the fuck do you need other people’s media?

    Your ideals are built upon YET AGAIN women taking one for the team. The “truth” is immposible to know so YOLO, let’s turn any women who made the mistake of being photographed in to porn. Her consent doesn’t matter between the privacy of me and my dataset, even if I do upload it and blackmail her a lil’.

  • It takes years of pratice to draw photorealism, and days if not weeks to draw a particular piece. Which is absolutely not the same to any jackass with an net connection and 5 minutes to create a equally/more realistic version.

    It’s really upsetting that this argument keeps getting brought up. Because while guys are being philosophical about how it’s therotically the same thing, women are experiencing real world harm and harassment from these services. Women get fired for having nudes, girls are being blackmailed and bullied with this shit.

    But since it’s theoretically always been possible somehow churning through any woman you find on Instagram isn’t an issue.

    Totally get your frustration

    Do you? Since you aren’t threatened by this, yet another way for women to be harassed is just a fun little thought experiment.

  • Wtf are you even talking about? People should have the right to control if they are “approximated” as nude. You can wax poetic how it’s not nessecarily correct but that’s because you are ignoring the woman who did not consent to the process. Like, if I posted a nude then that’s on the internet forever. But now, any picture at all can be made nude and posted to the internet forever. You’re entirely removing consent from the equation you ass.

  • As I’ve said so many times, it’s not a joke if you are literally asking. If you are in a boat and tell your GF that she shouldn’t say no to you because of the implication, then that’s not a joke. And if you come to a thread about banned deep fake sites and ask for the link it’s not a joke.Even Dennis himself hides behind this logic that “obviously she is in no danger”, but that ignores the real threats women have to live with every day. Women don’t get to assume that every implication rape threat is a joke because the risk is too great, it always going to be real to the subject without power.

    You already admitted in a different comment that some of the people here were looking for a link. So why exactly are you so upset at me? Is your right to assume it’d always a joke out ranked by my concern at yet another way for women to be sexually harassed? Before it was simply any woman who posted nudes online had to know it would be online forever. But now any woman who has ever posted, or hell even went outside where a camera was now runs the risk of her nudes being posted?

    But I guess you feeling hurt over “jokes” is the real problem?!? Like seriously, let it tf go. The lame jokes don’t need to be defended and I’m not the jolly joy villian you are making me out to be.

  • Maybe you enjoy acting puritanical and holier-than-thou

    Honestly, right back at yeah. Calling me a prude is just your way of playing dumb about the situation. Your “holier than thou” is “understanding a joke more than thou”.

    That they’re making a joke

    The joke is that their asking. “Because of the implication” and “one million dollars” are over the top because you’re not holding the world ransom and you aren’t planning to pressure someone into sex. You use those in situation where it doesn’t apply and that’s the humor.

    But clicking a link is absolutely within the realm of possibility. Like, read the damn article. Lots of people were using the site/app, people here were asking for the same reason. Whitewashing it through pop culture doesn’t change that they are literally asking for the link.

    It’s naive to think that anonymous users on lemmy would somehow never deep fake, nor pursue the content. My comment was to shame those tempted to do so, if you wish to think me unkind for that, so be it.

  • Tesla fans have taken issue with the word “recall” in the past when the company has proven adept at fixing its problems through over-the-air software updates. But they likely will have to admit that, in this case, the terminology applies.

    Even if Tesla sucks super hard, I agree with these complaints. I immediately checked to see if this was a “real” recall or a software one. Since they all need some physical work on them it definitely applies, but I really wish they used a different term for software update “recalls”. It’s confusing word choice.