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Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • In this section, the narrator explores the peculiarities of how cities are defined in the UK. Unlike other countries where city status is typically determined by population or government structure, Britain has its own unique criteria. The list of officially recognized cities in the UK includes some surprising and seemingly unworthy contenders, while notable places like London, Reading, and Northampton are mysteriously absent. Contrary to popular misconceptions, having a cathedral or a university does not necessarily confer city status. Instead, city status in Britain is granted by the monarch through personal command and letters patent. This tradition dates back to the 10th century and is the sole determinant of whether a place is officially classified as a city. The misconception that cathedrals play a role in city status stems from the historical significance of powerful church centers in small settlements. However, in the 19th century, as towns grew due to the Industrial Revolution, the rules were changed, and places like Birmingham gained city status based on their industrial importance rather than religious institutions. Overall, the criteria for city status in Britain are distinct and can be attributed solely to the monarch’s decision. 00:05:00 In this section, the narrator discusses the inconsistencies in the list of British cities and how some cities have lost their city status. The merging of Rochester with its neighbors in 1998 inadvertently removed it from the official list of British cities. However, the opportunity to regain city status came in 2000 when the government allowed towns to bid for it. Many towns submitted bids, with Reading being the favorite to win. Ultimately, three new cities were added to the list: Brighton, Hove, and Inverness. The narrator questions the advantages of being a city instead of a town, as the benefits seem minimal. The bidding process seems to benefit the government in terms of positive PR without requiring much commitment. 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker questions the government’s authority to change the definition of a city and suggests that perhaps it’s time to abandon this system altogether and replace it with something more meaningful. However, the speaker recognizes that the government has more pressing matters to address and doubts that redefining the definition of a city will be a priority. The speaker concludes that this tradition, filled with pomp, ceremony, and a bit of royalty, is a quintessentially British thing that adds to the country’s charm, and it’s unlikely to change anytime soon. The speaker humorously predicts that at the current rate, every corner of the country will become a city by the year 3000.

  • You don’t. The tools to do this without the gui are likely included in your distribution as a base

    i could barely do it in gui, let alone in cui. i need colors to know what i am doing (consider me ur average joe!, and i kinda am)

    That’s up to your distribution, but typically the answer is ‘users can install it through the package manager if and when they need it’.

    please do, i really like to be recommended a distro which comes with many common tools installed. package manager (if u mean by that snap and the like ?) is buggy as hell, i would rather use terminal than deal with that

    Windows, for example, still had everyone using an Administrator account for day-to-day stuff until Vista / 7.

    i miss those days, now can’t do nothing with my win 7 :(

    If you’re comfortable with the terminal, get used to basic commands like cat, grep, find, etc - the command line tools are often more available (and more powerful) than their hypothetical GUI counterpart!

    yea i guess i ll have to: already bookmarked a common sysadmin commands guide, and probably would have to learn more in the process. again as u mentionned, as much as it is tiresome, i start to think the reason why things are the way they are in linux. also i like the harmony between my android and linux apps when syncing: it feels like being in a macos/ios environement on a budget, but with also the advantage of being able to upgrade hardware, and very wide array of apps to choose from, and the open source community willing to offer help.complaining apart, i will dedicate time and effort to learn linux and make the best of it.

    also, seeing that ur an admin of an instance, i really wanted to self host…myself too, since i was on linux, but i am kinda following docker guides blindly and didnt get much far with my endeavour so i had to bail for now

  • Disagree

    tbh i wish it weren’t my opinion too. but since the occasion presented itself, op is struggling with setting up a software for his needs on linux: i wish there were viable options for his case.

    It really isn’t.

    maybe i am simple minded, but why do i have to install gparted just so i could partition my disk (in windows disk partition is a given), or have to install fuse so i could run .appimage files; why don’t these functions come preinstalled ? maybe i am now starting to understand why is linux invunerable to viruses: u kinda have to sudo ur way through everything so u could u achieve ur need. maybe i am venting, but as a newcomer from windows, its kinda overwhelming haha: wanna copy to a readonly directroy: sudo cp; edit a readonly file: sudo gedit…even the terminal isnt in favourites, i have to ctrl alt T so i could find it 😭😭 again, i am no dev, and i kinda have a day to spend and work to get to xd