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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • Well, I’m not trying to sound like anything. I’m just telling you a fact, that I believe in such and such. I think you’ve been watching too many movies if you think that someone merely telling you they “believe in something” is a goddamn movie trope… Like, come on.

    Maybe when reading the text you’re projecting your own version of what I’m saying with a bunch of intonation and body language and stuff that only exists in your head. But rest assured, I’m not acting all emotional and holding out my fist in the air when I say that I “believe in freedom and a right to truthful information”. I’m merely telling you, with a deadpan look.

    All good? 👌

  • It was quite long. This is what I could find at the end while skimming again.

    I asked if they thought education would be improved on campus if phones were forcibly locked away for the duration of the school day. Only one student gave me so much as an affirmative nod!

    Among students, the consensus was that kids generally tune into school at the level they care to, and that a phone doesn’t change that. A disinterested student without a phone will just tune out in some other way. They also put forth the idea that the quality of the teacher has a lot to do with how much they’ll tune in. This take had broad support.

    🤷‍♂️ If it’s a problem or distraction it’s gotta go away. But of course it’s not the only factor. I didn’t grow up with notifications in class but I was very distracted still. But a phone would not have helped me, let’s just say that.