• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2020


  • The hardware is good & you can get phones under 6".

    They have 2 big flaws: price & years of continued support. The catch 22 is you can get a good price on them after the support window (2 years, but looks like 5 will be going forward). Luckily LineageOS always picks up after the support window if willing to take on possible firmware vulnerabilities knowing software will continue to be updated—but the camera requires the proprietary apps/libs or it looks low-end.

  • Thanks for confirming some of my suspicions about how it all actually operates & the reasons for doing so.

    I really just don’t like this in principle as it is way too easy to accidentally do private stuff out of convenience on a machine which is why I do like I said with BYOD & will be present for all attempts to troubleshoot a device. I don’t really see a conceptual different in my digital desktop vs. my physical one & I wouldn’t let an employer install a camera at my desk just as much or would I think it is cool for a business to have cameras in the bathroom just because they own the rental agreement. It feels like there should be some form of privacy even in these digital scenarios that never happens & it leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Is there a solution to allowing users privacy in their system or is it only considered fully private property?