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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Please do keep voting with your wallet - its one of the few remaining ways to express our discontent!) That being said, I feel like both of those examples are where the service provided by adobe and then Netflix are terrible.

    Adobe is making you buy a whole year and Netflix is hassling you for “letting your pensioner mum watch your account”… To me, both of those are examples of bad service (coupled with cost).

    For me, a counter example for me is amazon.com: I hate what they’re doing to the retail landscape but find it hard to resist, as I find them SOOO convenient, and their customer service (for now) is absolutely stunning!!! Now if their prices were too high, I’d personally probably pay for that convenience a bit. (Where there model breaks for me completely is warranty major purchases: I’ve had warranty denied by manufacturers for items purchased through non approved amazon resellers. So now, for me, anything over $100 and I’m looking for direct purchase from the manufacturer as a preference. )

  • I aplaud the write up and recognise that the OP has developed a solution that suits their use case.

    Personally I started running my own mail around the same time, but host for several family members at the same time.

    I went a slightly different route and pay for a mail filtering service for inbound filtering and outbound relay. All up costs me $90USD per year for inbound and $4 a month for outbound

    This has solved most blacklist and outbound mail server reputation issues.

    I used to run zarafa till they went commercial. I’ve since migrated to Mailinabox as a platform. Its pretty resilient. (I’ve just disabled greylisying and spam detection as I’ve got upstream MX filtering already) I’ve also recently been through a MiaB major upgrade - it was pretty simple once I actually read the instructions properly!

  • First macbook air was ethereal, nas was bitbucket, first macbook pros deathstar then dreadnaught, second bigger nas was abyss…

    More recently I’ve been using Neal Stevenson characters and themes.

    Mobile wass “primer”, high spec laptop was “reason”, workhorse laptop was “chevaline”…

    Work servers I’ve always liked two themes:

    Chaos or medications:

    Anarchy, bedlam, disturbed, chaos, mayhem, futility, entropy, maelstrom,

    Sudafed, NyQuil, Tylenol, advil, codeine, morphine, panadol, Valium,