Father, Hacker (Information Security Professional), Open Source Software Developer, Inventor, and 3D printing enthusiast

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • You say that because you don’t realize the benefits:

    • Better support for Linux with any new PC hardware on day 1. This includes things like USB devices, monitors, KVMs, UPS, everything.
    • Better support for all commercial software in general. More software will become available and it’ll be higher quality.
    • Vendors will be forced to test all their stuff on Linux which means it’ll all become more reliable and less glitchy.
    • There will be more diversity in software and distros which means widespread attacks (aka hacking, worms, viruses, etc) will have less success and smaller impacts.
    • The more Linux users there are the more Linux developers will result. It’s also much easier to start learning how to code on a Linux desktop than it is in Windows.
    • Better security for the entire world. Linux has a vastly superior security architecture than Windows and a vastly superior track record. The more Linux users there are, the harder it will be for malicious entities to break into their PCs which translates into a more secure world.
    • It’s much easier (for experienced users) to troubleshoot and fix problems in Linux than in Windows. This will lead to support teams everywhere getting frustrated whenever they have to deal with Windows users (this is already the case for many software vendors, haha). Therefore, it makes support people happy and easy going. Who doesn’t want to reach a happy, helpful person for technical support instead of the usual defiant/adversarial support tech? 😁
    • The worst sorts of hardware vendors won’t be able to get away with their usual bullshit. For example, if there were enough Linux users HP wouldn’t be offering extremely invasive 2GB printer “drivers” because their Windows customers would know enough Linux users that they’d be rightfully pissed and not depressively submissive like they are now.
    • When you do have a problem it will be easier to find a solution because the likelihood that someone else already had it and posted a solution will be higher (though admittedly this factor doesn’t seem to do much for Windows currently because of how obtuse and obfuscated everything is in that OS).

    There’s actually a lot more reasons but that’s probably enough for now 😁

  • I’d love to see more adoption of… I2C!

    Bazillions of motherboards and SBCs support I2C and many have the ability to use it via GPIO pins or even have connectors just for I2C devices (e.g. QWIIC). Yet there’s very little in the way of things you can buy and plug in. It feels like such a waste!

    There’s all sorts of neat and useful things we could plug in and make use of if only there were software to use it. For example, cheap color sensors, nifty gesture sensors, time-of-flight sensors, light sensors, and more.

    There’s lmsensors which knows I2C and can magically understand zillions of temperature sensors and PWM things (e.g. fan control). We need something like that for all those cool devices and chips that speak I2C.

  • This is caused by your root controller’s limited bandwidth and it’s inability to handle that many 3.0 devices at the same time. Some of the newer motherboards with USB C PD have controllers in them that can do a lot more.

    It’s basically a hack on part of the company that made the root controller IC. They know they only have enough internal bandwidth to support 16 USB 3.0 devices so they intentionally bork things when you plug in more than that since their Transaction Translator (TT) can’t handle more and they were too lazy to bother implementing the ability to share 2.0 and 3.0 properly.

    I’m guessing the decision went something like this…

    “We have enough bandwidth for 16 3.0 devices… What do we do if someone plugs in more than that?” “Only a few people will ever have that many! We don’t have the budget to handle every tiny little use case! Just ship it.”

    So it’s not Linux fault in this case. Or at least, if it is (a problem with the driver) it’s because of some proprietary bullshit that the driver requires to function properly 🤷

  • Riskable@programming.devtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldWhat's the deal with Docker?
    4 months ago

    Docker containers aren’t running in a virtual machine. They’re running what amounts to a fancy chroot jail… It’s just an isolated environment that takes advantage of several kernel security features to make software running inside the environment think everything is normal despite being locked down.

    This is a very important distinction because it means that docker containers are very light weight compared to a VM. They use but a fraction of the resources a VM would and can be brought up and down in milliseconds since there’s no hardware to emulate.

  • You need a “Page of Expertise” attached to the end of this resume with every technology, tool, and piece of equipment you’ve ever touched. I’m dead serious. You’ve got the standard office apps listed as well as the GIMP (which is awesome, BTW 👍) but have you ever fooled around with Access? Used Outlook? Skype? They need to be in your resume!

    Think of the “Page of Expertise” as an addendum that’s just a great big list of keywords that will ensure your resume isn’t filtered out by HR people that don’t know any better. When they get a job description from a hiring manager that says something like, “Marketing Assistant: Must have experience with Excel. Nice-to-have: Experience with Outlook and Skype.” The HR person will post a similar job description (they just love to mess with it!) and then when 10,000 resumes come in they’ll pass them all through a “keyword filter” and any resume that doesn’t have “outlook” and “skype” will never see the light of day!

    Always remember this: The hiring manager and the people doing the interview are only going to look at the first page and the first job or two in your work history. They might glance at everything else but it’s unlikely. The universal advice about tailoring your resume for the job you’re applying for is 100% true but the truth is that that advice really only applies to that first page and only after you’ve made it through the HR keyword filters.

    So add a second page that has titles like, “Office Tools” that has every stupid little tool that counts as “office software” from Excel to Outlook to Skype to Notepad++ to silly things like Winzip and Winrar. Stuff you’d think literally anyone could figure out in five minutes still goes on that page! Always assume that every job is going to get 10,000 applicants and HR is going to keep whittling them down until they find candidates that have all the keywords they can possibly think of.

    Here’s another thing: If you get past HR and in that interview and they ask you, “What’s this Page of Expertise all about?” Be honest: “That’s so I can get past the keyword filters that HR uses. HR people often have to filter thousands of resumes and I don’t want to get skipped because I didn’t put the word, ‘winzip’ somewhere in my resume even though a monkey could figure it out.” They’ll think you’re a genius and hire you! 👍

  • It’s because they cheaped out and used (cheap) electromechanical switches for the buttons and electromechanical rotary encoders for the knobs.

    If they used magnetic hall effect switches they’d never glitch (unless the microcontroller itself is glitching). Hall effect switches are forever.

    (And no: Even cars in Arizona don’t get hot enough to wreck rare earth magnets… They’ll lose strength slightly above 80°C but not enough to matter since the car knows its internal temp and can compensate if they didn’t get the better sensors that auto-compensate).

    For reference, hall effect switches and encoders aren’t really that much more expensive for something like a car where you’re going to be using/making millions of them. It probably saves pennies per car to use the cheap switches.

  • It may sound pendantic but that person is correct: It’s not stealing. Stealing involves taking a physical thing away from its owner. Once the thing is stolen the owner doesn’t have it anymore.

    If you reproduce someone’s art exactly without permission that’s a copyright violation, not stealing. If you distribute a derivative work (like using img2img with Stable Diffusion) without permission that also is a (lesser) form of copyright violation. Again, not stealing/theft.

    TL;DR: If you’re making copies (or close facsimiles) of something (without permission) that’s not stealing it’s violating copyright.

  • I’m sure I could spend a day banging my head against google and mucking with my Docker containers to get it working, but I decided it’s not really worth the effort.

    You threw away a learning opportunity. I seriously doubt the problems you were experiencing had anything to do with Linux, specifically and were more likely due to your lack of knowledge about how Jellyfin works with streaming.

    I’m not insinuating that you’re a bad person or anything like that. Every one of us has limited time to fool around but it seems like a lot of people really do give up too easily on things like this 🤷

    I’ve seen people spend hours and hours or even days troubleshooting (or just trying to work around) Windows issues/frustrations to the point where they say, “fuck it! I’m trying Linux!” Then they encounter one problem, spend ten minutes trying to figure it out and then just give up and switch back to Windows.

    It’s a trick or the mind: Human brains trust the familiar even if it’s so much worse than something new. People get used to all the bullshit Windows throws their way and it becomes the new (accepted) normal.

    It just seems normal to walk up to a PC that rebooted itself overnight and is forcing you to reopen and relogin to everything. It seems normal to instinctively close popups in the lower right corner of your screen without thinking about it because they appear so often. It seems normal that advertisements appear in strange places all over your computer. It seems normal that to install just about anything you have to search the Internet and download a .exe then run it with administrator privileges.

    Windows enforces bad behavior and worst practices at every turn yet when faced with a new interface and new ways of doing (and troubleshooting) things users will suddenly find new problems infinitely more frustrating and unacceptable… Even if they’re really just minor inconveniences.

  • I read the article! It suggests in a hundred different ways that Windows 11 sucks and that sticking it out with Windows 10 is a bad idea for a dozen different reasons.

    The people here suggesting Linux nailed it. If you’re not using Linux at this point you’re just being lazy, IMHO. If you have any issues you can always just troubleshoot and fix it but based on the anecdotes posted so far it’s obvious no one claiming to have tried Linux has done much of that.

    Get off your ass and learn something new for real or stop bitching and bend over for Microsoft with your wallet ready to pay them afterwards for the privilege.

    People bitching about Windows on their personal PCs is like people who don’t vote bitching about politics.