The noodle man

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • They are a lifestyle brand and play on that to keep people trapped. People who buy Apple like the aesthetic of appearing wealthy. It’s classism through consumerism, even if the consumers don’t realise it.

    Apple’s terrible privacy policy (yes, despite the word privacy appearing in the ads), atrocious right to repair stance, and aggressive software lock-in tactics should put any person who cares about those things off.

    There was a purpose to buying Apple when they were the only player in the specific niche. Audio engineering is a great example of this. In the 90’s, Apple were really the only valid choice in a highly specialist field. Microsoft caught up in the 2000s, with Linux not too far behind in the 2010’s.

    So nowadays, the limitations are effectively self-imposed. You can spend whatever money you want on a setup that will do whatever you need and the OS is a personal preference.

  • Devastated. After WickesWoolworths collapsed Wilko became my go to for DIY stuff. Garden stuff, pet food and toys, all easy to grab from Wilko and IMO much better quality than it’s rivals in Amazon (fuck Amazon 😡) B&M (meh 😐) or Poundstretcher (why waste your money there?🤮).

    I suspect a lot more than just competition is playing into this. Currently high interest rates will be making that £40m loan sting.

    Edit : I do mean Woolworths lmao