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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • with extras like […] no lockscreen ads

    What the fuck? Why is that an extra not just the default? It’s great that this product isn’t riddled with ads, but that’s like saying it’s great a burger is not made of human shit; it’s crazy that anyone would tolerate a shit-burger in the first place.

    Maybe ads are normal in the e-reader space for some reason, but that’s just insane to me.

  • Anything we’ve had before now wasn’t AI.

    This claim doesn’t work simply due to the fact AI is a very vague term which nobody agrees on. The broadest and most literal (and possibly oldest) definition is simply any inorganic emulation of intelligence. This includes if statements and even purely mechanical devices. The narrowest definition is a computer with human-like intelligence, which is why some people claim LLMs are not AI.

    Saying LLMs work differently from older AI approaches is fair, saying older approaches are not AI but the latest one is is questionable.

  • That reminds me of an issue I had when I was installing Mint. I tried out a live boot first and everything seemed to work except there was no internet connection. Turns out my WiFi card needs a proprietary driver, but no big deal it installed easily enough just from the boot disk. Internet’s working, all looks good, so I go ahead and install Mint proper, remove the live boot usb, start the system, and savour that new Minty smell. But hang on, there’s no WiFi, I forgot to install the driver! Should be an easy enough fix though, it wasn’t hard last time.

    So I go to install the driver and the first thing it says is that it needs the boot disk to get the driver. That makes total sense, can’t install something you don’t have! I plug in the usb again and now it should all be plain sailing, after all it’s just installing a driver that worked 20 minutes ago, right? Sadly no, that would be too easy; for some reason now it’s missing dependencies! Or something along those lines anyway, I forget exactly. But can’t it just install those from the boot disk? Well apparently not, it instead tries to connect to the internet to download them. This obviously fails since I don’t have a WiFi connection, which is why I’m installing the driver in the first place. All I get is a popup saying it can’t install some stuff because there’s no internet connection, fix that to get your internet connection. This is the point where face meets palm. I’m sure there’s some fiddly “proper” way to work around that but the thing is I’m incredibly lazy so I’ll just take the quick option instead. I plug in my phone and use a tethered connection. I run the install again and it finally goes through, at last the system is ready to use! It’s been mostly smooth sailing since then (though I did get annoyed enough at NTFS a couple of months ago that I just reformatted a data drive and wiped a ton of data I probably didn’t need).

    Tl;dr: I had to tether to my phone for a minute. Traumatising!

  • It might be easier to visualise if you substitute money in for something more tangible. Let’s use water as an example; you might earn a one litre bottle of water for every hour you work. Your company then announces a pay rise accross the board; everyone in the company will now get twice as amny bottles! Sounds great, everyone’s on board, the company gets huge amounts of positive PR. You’re excited when it comes to pay day, just think what you’ll do with all that extra water! But when you get your pay you’re sorely dissapointed; while you did get twice as many bottles of water, each bottle is half the size. You may have got twice as many bottles but you got the exact same amount of water.

    In this analogy bottles are currency, water is value. Twice as many bottles is meaningless if they’re half the size. You got a 0% raise.