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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • So it sounds to me like you may have to deal with a IPv4 only address behind CGNAT, which makes port forwarding not work anymore. It’s how my connection is set up, but luckily it does fully support IPv6 and that doesn’t require any forwarding so I make do.
    If IPv6 isn’t an option for you or you’d like to access your services from IPv4 only networks, I’d just go with Tailscale myself. I’ve been a happy user for years and it just works so well, should be good in your situation as well.

  • Brainstorming a bit, I think wiring up InfluxDB, Grafana plus some convenient way of inputting all those data sources sounds ideal. As a time series database, keeping track of how data evolves over time is InfluxDB’s whole thing, Grafana or similar would be for visualizing said data. I guess the complicated part would be getting your data sources to write to it in a convenient way, not sure if there’s a generic enough project out there already.
    Looking around a bit, not too dissimilar to what this blog post has done.