Developer. Feminist. Ecologist. Used to be a protection Paladin.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Well, before SpaceX I looked at the space exploration program as a science enthusiast. The missions were rare but important for science. Then this dude came out of nowhere, saying he was about to save the Earth with electric cars and build a station on Mars. And for a moment it really worked. I genuinely thought he was a good billionaire. Then he completely loose his mind, start talking and acting like the worse moron of the universe, and I started studying his statements without the shiny distorting layer. He’s so full of shit it makes me sick. Most of the things he says is nonsense.

    So I can’t tell why my brain works that way, but it does. Today I’m more exited by new ways to produce renewable energies on Earth than I am about rockets. That joy I felt for any SpaceX news slipped away.

    My comment was just the realization of that. That was weird to be honest, but true.

  • But what exactly is this measuring?

    Hard to tell honestly.

    phpBB and Wordpress are websites engines. It doesn’t take into account the content of the websites they are serving, and more importantly the bloated advertising scripts that might be added to the sources.

    Mastodon? What are we even talking about here? The content? The engine? Which instance?

    So, while it’s true that some websites are bloated and some are not, OP’s post says absolutely nothing about it. Size means nothing when a single picture can easily outweigh a huge javascript file mining some bitcoins. For the same reasons, loading times mean nothing either.

    Memory usage, FPS, Cumulative Layout Shift, First Input Delay, Largest Con­tent­ful Paint, any data gathered from the performance API. There are tons of efficient way to measure a website’s efficiency.

    Finally, a website can fail to load for many reasons. First of which can be a 504 Bad Gateway Timeout, which is an event based on an arbitrary value on the server’s side.

  • Hello,

    If you only want to track the number of page views you can do something simpler.

    On your website, add an empty image with a known name in the footer that point to your home server (no proxy needed if your website allows loading images from external site)

    You should see the attempt to download the empty image in your home server logs. There are tools to parse your server logs for specific keys (I have Logstash in mind)

    If you want to track anything else, just add another empty image linked to the website event you want to track.

  • Been using Day One since February 2013. In the beginning there was a single Journal where you could put a single Picture and start writing in Markdown. They changed their economic strategy to subscription, added multiple journal, multiple pictures… videos, audio etc. removed markdown features I was using a lot (like footnotes) and the ability to see the markup for easy editing. They’re basically EverNote now. They completely lost their original idea and what made Day One such a great journalling app. I wish I could easily switch to another one. I did it once with a more agnostic markdown note-taking app (iA Writer) but ultimately came back to Day One. I even developed one of my own as a PWA…

    Day One is a totally different thing now. We don’t need another full-featured note-taking app. We need something different and simpler.

    SN: I’m also a GTD enthusiast who spent tons of money in apps like OmniFocus or Things or Agenda. I ditched everything to rely only on Reminders and Notes and have never been more efficient.

  • I’ve been journalling on Day One since February 2013. When I heard about Apple’s Journal I wasn’t impressed because of lack of export features and the lack of macOS support. I write long text and don’t want to bother with a virtual keyboard. But I’m beginning to think that the whole point of the app is not to write some memoirs but simply to help remembering. In my opinion that’s why the app lacks search and export features. Because it’s not meant to be searched in or shared. It is not a note taking app. It is meant to act on your brain.

    In my almost 11 years of journalling, I’ve never searched or shared anything, and I couldn’t tell what I wrote last week. But very, very often I remember feeling something and writing about it years later. And this is exactly when the whole process becomes useful, when you can rely on how you analyzed a situation rather than feel the discomfort of it.

    Anyone should have a diary.

  • My dear dude!

    Regarding your question, go for the M1 Pro. Despite having a little less single-core power, it will have immensely more graphic and multicore power, which you might seek regarding your usage of a computer. If you want/need to use Linux on it, you will use VM software that will make good usage of the extra ram and extra cores.

    Now, since you’re also into music software, you’ll be glad to discover that Apple products, from iPhone to iPad to Mac, come with a free software called GarageBand that is batshit crazy for a free software (you can download it on the Mac AppStore if it’s not pre-installed). I remember switching from Windows/Ubuntu in 2007, discovering this piece of software with the Real Time Audio kernel of then Mac OSX Leopard, plugging in my guitar and enjoying zero-latency analog effects. You’ll get a good range of Digital instruments too, which you can control with a master keyboard (I bought a Kawai ES back then). Every GarageBand project can then be imported into Logic Pro, if you want to go for the professional audio suite.

    Welcome to macOS. I hope you’ll enjoy the ride!

  • Incoming M3 should be very interesting, especially on the GPU side with RT cores (a game changer for 3D compute)

    But I’m not sure we’ll get to see them in that keynote. At least not the more powerful ones. Apple just introduced M2 Ultra 4 months ago, and M2 Pro/Max are less than a year old.

    « Scary fast » is a bold affirmation, especially against some much more powerful RTX GPUs, and more powerful multi core CPUs.

    I kind of expect to see an M2 Extreme and a dedicated Graphic card for the tower Mac Pro beside a new iMac.

    I might totally be wrong so don’t put too much faith in my assumption though.

    Anyway, exciting times!