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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • I actually very recently tried it. I’m sure it’s great but something about the UI or maybe general paradigm switch versus apps like Notion really confused me. It looks great though, so I’m sure I’ll give it another go sometime when I have a bit more time to really learn it. Nonetheless, I appreciate the recommendation!

  • It seems like the consensus of this thread is that the name isn’t holding it back. That was my thinking going into it, but the article makes some very valid points such as the name (being related to a sexual and sometimes derogatory word) making it a non-starter in some organizations.

    I have it installed on all our computers at work for basic image editing, but we’re a small business and never gave it much thought. I can absolutely see it being problematic in a school setting, however. More to the point, Adobe has ably demonstrated: get them hooked on your software in school and you’ll dominate the market. Imagine if kids had been learning GIMP instead of Photoshop all these years.

    Anyway, I’ve got no dog in this fight. Just pointing out what I see as a valid point in the article.

    Also, I like their original name possibility of IMP much better. The mascot could have been a cute little imp instead of … whatever it is now.

  • Great article, but:

    “A user-friendly distribution like Ubuntu can be an excellent choice for individuals wary of privacy and ethical issues surrounding AI,” says Taylor. “It provides a robust and user-friendly environment that minimizes the tracking and data collection you’d typically encounter with macOS or Windows.”

    It’s been quite a few years since I used desktop Ubuntu, but I remember the Unity DE back then being not so user-friendly, at least for someone coming from the Windows paradigm. I’ve heard (but could be misinformed) that it’s gotten even more opinionated over the years. Something like Mint is likely to be a better option for a first-time user.

    Also, I wish the article had mentioned Proton. It states that you may have to be willing to abandon certain games, but that’s far from the reality these days. At least through Steam nearly everything works right out of the box just by enabling Proton.