Young humanoid in the UK. Proudly LGBT. Slava Ukraini! | they/them

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  • 7 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2024

  • Hellfire103@lemmy.catoAsk UK@feddit.ukMidge defence?
    14 days ago

    Use Smidge. It’s the best repellant.

    Also, get some citronella. You can get it as oil (for burning), as tealights, as rope (also for burning), as incense… It does the trick in Northumberland, though I’m not so sure about Loch Latrine. Those midges might be a bit tougher.

  • If I’m skipping any, it’ll just be Love & Monsters (a bit rubbish), The Angels Take Manhattan (too sad; can’t watch that one again), and a few (but certainly not all) of Chris Chibnall’s episodes (e.g. The Tsuranga Conundrum; I didn’t enjoy them that much).

    Other than that, I’ll take the lot. I might even throw in the Sarah Jane Adventures, Torchwood, Class, the BBV Productions movies, and those spin-off movies starring Peter Cushing, for good measure.

  • Hellfire103@lemmy.catoDoctor Who@lemmy.worldwould you do this?
    16 days ago

    Where would The Runaway Bride go? It’s set in 2006, but they also travel to shortly before Earth is formed.

    Also, what about episodes that are set outside of time or entirely within the TARDIS (e.g. Time Crash)? Or when all of time sort of happens at once (e.g. The Big Bang, The Wedding of River Song)?

    What about false realities (e.g. Amy’s Choice, Extremis)? Bubble universes (e.g. The Doctor’s Wife, Hide)?

    And then there’s the matter of the Doctor and River. Do we go in the Doctor’s order, or in River’s order?

    What about cliffhangers and cyclic stories?

    Absolutely I’d do this, but I’d need a very large corkboard and about a mile of red yarn to figure out the order.

  • It’s okay. I’ll probably end up switching to Arch, though.

    It works, but there are a couple of issues:

    • HiDPI is not supported by cwm, so I’ve had to do “duct tape” fixes on everything (changing .Xresources, changing GTK conf files, increasing the font size in polybar). Qt apps aren’t playing ball.
    • The WiFi card isn’t supported by any BSD, so I’m using a dongle.
    • The fan doesn’t come on as often as it does on macOS, so the MacBook can get rather hot.
    • The headphone jack supports optical jacks as well as standard 3.5mm ones. Under OpenBSD, however, the LED inside is constantly on. This isn’t a problem, but it’s not normal.
    • Polybar can’t seem to access any system information (e.g. disk usage), but I suspect that has nothing to do with the hardware.

  • I’ve already gone and installed macOS 11 alongside OpenBSD (although I’m going to distrohop until I can find something that “sticks”). I might have a look at patching Monterey, though.

    As for those specific versions, High Sierra was the oldest version with decent software support, and Mavericks has those lovely skeuomorphic icons. I know it’s old, but I was using OSX Snow Leopard (alongside crunchbang++ i386) until I got this MacBook Pro.