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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I’m only commenting this because you said you’re stuck on Win11 and not defending it, but…

    Using winget and Chocolately will make your app installation much better.

    Also, to reload your path variable in a PowerShell prompt you can run the following:

    $env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")

    Again, your gripes are all legitimate, but these might help ease your pain.

  • Little kids can be brutally honest. My kids have certainly helped me develop thicker skin. Some things my daughter said to me as a toddler:

    • Daughter: daddy stop singing - Me: why? - Daughter: because you can’t

    • After I gained 20 lbs due to stress and COVID lockdown and my daughter saw me without my shirt on: Mom, dad has weird boobs

    • My daughter looking at a picture from our wedding: wow, dad you look so different? - My brain: just keep your mouth shut and don’t ask her to elaborate

    Those are just the ones I remember off the top of my head. Thankfully, she’s grown beyond that age now.

  • Interesting perspective. It seems popular now for people to dismiss him as someone got more attention than they deserve. Which may be true, but like you mentioned that has more to do with the media and law enforcement not knowing what to do with him.

    There is no doubt that the attention he received helped his later career. But it’s not like he just rode those coat tails. His books were informative and entertaining. Not something many can pull off. And while Know2Be is boring ass cyber training, I’ve seen much worse products on the market.

    Your article makes me wonder if he has the resources and support of a Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, would things have been much different for him.

    Also, FYI, the URL link in your comment didn’t work for me. I had to copy the link and extract the URL from it. I’m using the Connect app on Android.