Threat/abuse tracking, History/Geopolitics thonking, Misinfo/Grift fan, PDX based


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I don’t really disagree with you at all but repeatedly reminding us all that you’re “not surprised” isn’t the savvy commentary you think it is. Especially since it’s historically been the case that any service you pay money to has said “no, you own your content”.

    The marker has just moved gradually on this with companies slowly adding more ownership clauses to their Terms of Service in ways that aren’t legible to average consumers. Now they’re cashing in on that ownership.

  • Having worked at a cloud provider for awhile and also done support, the reasoning is generally that Ubuntu is the “path of least resistance” to getting running. They have a super engaged community and the market share leads to a lot of guides across the web being primarily made for Ubuntu.

    To be fair, it also helps that their LTS support is really nice and their repos are a lot closer to up-to-date than a bunch of others.