Fushuan [he/him]


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It’s not really about the hardware, is it? The option you mentioned won’t enable an alternative app store, it won’t enable access to android app emulators (which would be a huge boom in the open source app offering). The level of trust iPhone users give to appeal is wildly higher that what android users that tweak their phones give the manufacturers. It is what it is, but don’t delude yourself in thinking that it’s about what they do in the kernel level, it’s about the fact that they store tons of sensitive data in their american servers and that they have an obligation to share that data with the country, and as someone from Europe that doesn’t sit well with me.

  • oh, yeah I’ve read and heard of plenty people saying that they definitely notice it. I’m lucky enough not to because most ARPGs don’t run 60FPS on intense combat, let alone 120 fps on a rtx3080 lmao.

    I was talking more about the jump from 240 and beyond, which I find surprising for people to notice the upgrade on intense gaming encounters, not while calmly checking or testing. I guess that there’s people who do notice, but again, running games on such high tick rate is very expensive for the gpu and a waste most of the time.

    I’m just kinda butthurt that people feel like screens below 120 are bad, when most games I play hardly run 60 fps smooth, because the market will follow and in some years we will hardly have what I consider normal monitors, and the cards will just eat way more electricity for very small gains.

  • Oh I just installed lightdm in arch, disabled whatever I had, enables that service and activated the autologin by writing my username in some files I don’t remember anymore. And that was it.

    Due to some hardware issues I had I even had no service enabled and used to start it manually from a non GUI environment every time I logged on, and it worked fine. Now it’s properly enabled though.