Software developer by day, insomniac by night.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • When I say Left, I mean Vänsterpartiet, not some nebulous coalition. See their stance here.

    Chat control was a proposal on an EU level which meant that applications and social media platforms would be forced to scan all of their users messages. The proposal has been put forth by the EU comission as a part of a larger package with the purpose of protecting children against exploitation on the internet. The Left Party considers that the part specifically about chat control wouldn’t contribute to the end goals. There are more effective measures that need to be taken in order to protect children.

    After significant criticism from us and many others the EU parliament has significantly improved the proposal. They have among other things removed all parts regarding automatic scanning. This has meant that all parties now are in support of the EU-parliament position. The proposal is now on hold among the member states and instead another, temporary law has been extended to counter sexual abuse of children on the internet.

    Overall the Left (Vänsterpartiet) campaigns on a position of being against surveillance and the like. The Social Democrats (part of the Left coalition) however is in favour of it, because of course they fucking are. My issue here is obviously that they’re lying to our faces.

    On a much greater scale I have a lot of issues. For the most part I align mostly with V and MP, but we’re talking on a level of like 60-70%, so they don’t actually represent my views particularly well. In the grand scheme of things that’s also not something I’d expect; I’m rather extreme but I also realise that there’s only so much we can do when operating within the system we currently have. Thus I align with the parties that align the closest with the core beliefs I have, V and MP.

    One of my biggest icks when it comes to politics is hiding behind children. It infuriates me because it’s never genuine. It’s never about the fucking children, they’re just a convenient excuse because the moment someone criticises a suggestion, you can turn around and say “Oh so you hate children? Are you a paedophile? Why do you support children being harmed?”

  • Dojan@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldApple AI vs. Microsoft AI
    18 days ago

    Apple talks big about privacy but we only have their word for it, and they’re a corporation just as likely to lie and muddle things to fool their customers. That’s my main problem concerning Apple and privacy.

    On paper their approach to ML is probably the best I’ve seen from any corp, and it’s probably the best I could’ve hoped to see since there’s no way they’d outright not go down that route.

  • This is definitely something that has to be thought about in terms of UI/UX design. I recently developed a Outlook calendar-esque interface, and we’ve had on-and-off discussions for a couple of hours about how we best implement a way to “click” an empty spot in the calendar to create an event there.

    I’m championing “we don’t on mobile, but use double-click on desktop.” I think I’m winning.

  • I’m honestly not surprised.

    I used to hook up with a guy who was 100% convinced that he could game the system. It had something to do with break frequencies from various services and certain time windows for playing. He won sometimes, but he obviously didn’t talk much about his losses. He wasn’t a very happy person, and I think gambling offered an easy release.

    That’s my big issue with gambling. It’s a business preying on addicts leaving many in financial ruin, and overall they do nothing for society at large. Here in Sweden it is regulated, but you honestly don’t notice it. There are so many internet casinos vanishing and cropping up on an almost daily basis. If you turn on the radio the adverts are like 40% online casinos, 40% sex toy sites, and 20% various services, like tyre shifting, glass repairs, etc.