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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023

  • I assume then that the next election won’t be pretty for them

    Pretty much every political commentator at this point is confident that they’re going to be wiped out and lose worse than they ever have in history. So yeah, not pretty.

    That said it’s their own fault, Sunak was supposed to bring things around, but he’s basically done nothing and just sat there being useless while the right wing nationalist element of his own party essentially destroy their election chances. It’s bizarre watching them go at it, it’s like they were sent from the future with a mission to ensure the conservative party is never politically electable ever again.

  • I’ve come across this prat before, literally every single thread that they’re in they have to take some stupid brainless position just to be argumentative, for the sake of being argumentative. It’s not worth interacting with them, they’re not interested in an actual discussion because they don’t actually have an opinion, they just want to be awkward.

    If there was a thread the sky is blue, they’d probably take the opposite position just to be irritating. They have no opinion of their own.

  • Cities, you just said keyword there cities, you can do it in cities because people want to live in cities. They don’t want to live on the outskirts. Most of these offices are not in the city centre because the city centre is a really expensive place to have an office, only massive corporations are based there.

    The vast majority of office space is in low rent districts on the periphery of cities. Because no one lives there there’s no shops, no leisure centres, no schools, no parks or other green spaces. You can’t just convert every building into a housing unit without considering the surrounding environment.

    It would be infinitely cheaper to just build homes where you actually want them, than to try and convert a building that was never designed for the task.

    I know it’s not trendy or hip or exciting to say that, but when you look at the economics it just doesn’t make sense outside of some very limited circumstances.