Bona fide idiot

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • As much as I support the Palestinian cause, and abhor the Israeli government, I’d feel really uncomfortable in an audience where I was being asked / told to give a standing ovation to flags. Particularly as he also threw the Ukrainian flag in there. Just because someone supports one, they might not support the other. And just because sometimes supports a nation of civilians in a conflict, doesn’t mean they’d support the government represented by the state. I don’t think anyone deserved abuse for not being coerced into doing something they didn’t want to do. I just really hate being told what to do though.

  • I’m Gen X and benefitted hugely from university fee support, student grants (although these were coming to an end and I also had loans), unemployment benefits, back to work incentives and schemes, and the availability of social housing (I’m still in my housing association flat now) back in the 90s. It’s not like being on the dole back then was amazing, but fuck me it wasn’t as brutal as the current system which is intentionally cruel. And the fact that young people now have to take on huge debt to go to university, and have virtually no hope of getting an affordable rented home through social housing, is just appalling. These things are so crucial to getting a chance to start off in life. Each generation seems to be getting fucked over harder than the one before.

  • I’m probably Festering.

    Coming out of the tail end of Covid (my 3rd go yay!), I got stuck at my mum’s for a week and only managed to get home Weds night. It was a bit of a trek and wiped me out so I’m just going to continue yesterday’s routine of lying on the sofa watching TV with occasional feeding breaks. My flat is a bit of a state so I might try and do little bits of sorting that out. After a week of quarantining in a tiny bedroom at my mum’s, and having to look after both of us while being ill and trying not to make her ill, a few days of lying on my sofa and tidying my flat is actually heaven.