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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Seconding the recommendation for FreshRSS, it’s the one I ended up hosting when I looked into this a while back and it’s been really great. Takes a minute to get everything setup, especially if you want to have different settings for different types of feeds, but once it’s all set it’s perfect (for my needs at least).

    I’ve also got it setup with my domain so I can access the feed from anywhere and that’s been one of my favourite features.

  • I would normally be inclined to agree but this isn’t one of those “omg I just had the most intelligent conversation with my 4-yo today”.

    It’s clearly someone sharing their hobby/job with their niece, and what better way to do that than by including them in a practical aspect. It also literally says they “helped her as she’s 4 years old”.

    You commenting is only bringing more attention to the post by increasing the comment count so maybe reevaluate your approach in the future if you’re so against wholesome content.

  • charles@lemmy.catoPlex@lemmy.caAnyone else using plexamp?
    1 year ago

    I definitely agree with you that some of the restrictions feel very arbitrary (basically everything that doesn’t use sonic analysis should be in the free tier imo). Especially with how bad of an experience music playback is without plexamp. Even as a lifetime plexpass users, I feel they shouldn’t have offered it if it would lead to the situation we have today where they need to get “creative” with monetization since their core users only paid a one-time fee.

    To clarify my earlier post, you can definitely allow them to keep their independent account even if they’re in your Plex home. You just need to select “invite Plex user” instead of “create managed account”. It’s not a perfect solution as it gives all those users access to each other’s accounts if no pin is set afterwards. That being said, I personally don’t find that a huge limitation as I wouldn’t share my server with anyone that I wouldn’t trust to respect that. I added a pin only so no one accidentally logs in on my profile as it would give them admin access, all the devices I use regularly I also enable “automatically sign in” so I really only ever need to input my pin when I log into a new device.

  • charles@lemmy.catoPlex@lemmy.caAnyone else using plexamp?
    1 year ago

    Not sure if you’ve seen the recent announcement but plexamp is free now. They’ve changed their approach and instead of the whole app being restricted to plexpass users, you can now use some features for free while the more advanced features are still locked to plexpass users. One big asterisks is that all the sonic analysis features will not work if the server owner doesn’t have a plexpass.

    Also, your family can definitely access your plexpass perks, you just need to add them to your “Plex home”. I believe you can add up to 15 users to your home, just make sure you don’t add them as “managed users” as that will require them to login with your account.