Appreciate and upvote every reply to my comments/posts if I can detect any effort being put into it; even if I think you completely missed what I tried to say or strongly disagree with your opinion.

Occasionally I cannot resist shitposting, hyperbolic, ironic, sarcastic or populist rhetoric; no /s

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • ah crazy, i made it work with Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS!

    For some reason i had to unplug the PC before restarting. Then it got found as UEFI and could boot.

    The full installation on the USB was a bit dirty, as i put the Live Ubuntu in a Virtual Machine and installed it from there. So i typed the full disk encryption and login passwords in Windows … but I wont be too paranoid about that one now 😅

  • like i said, i tried mint, does not work from that stick, only tails works. what i want to achieve is not much:

    • create files that i cannot decrypt in my windows, even if i have the keys or the password, which i both dont have. (already done in tails)
    • run this one single app on a secure usb, so when my windows or phone have a virus/stolen/lost, this app is not there and not in danger.

  • Ich habe einen SEi12 Pro i5-1240P, ist eine absolute Wundermaschine. Das Problem sind die 16GB RAM; alles stockt und hängt bei den kleinsten Sachen, Programmstarts, Fensterwechsel, sogar Mausbewegungen (aber ich habe auch Windows. von daher vielleicht nicht relevant für dich). Aber für das Geld, das die zusätzlichen RAM gekostet haben, hätte ich mit dem i7-1260P gleich noch einen schnelleren Prozessor und eine grössere SSD erhalten.

    Ansonsten ist es ein super PC, Qualität und alles ist bemerkenswert, ausser der Bluetooth Receiver, der ist absoluter Müll und du benötigst einen USB-Adapter. Ohne den kannst du nicht einmal die Maus flüssig bewegen (wurde in den neueren Modellen vielleicht verbessert?)

    Und während es mit Zocken wohl nicht viel wird (?), kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, dass du mit mehreren Apps und Tabs Probleme haben wirst, wobei ich das meiste von deinen geplanten Tätigkeiten nicht mache und eben Windows drauf habe.

    Bonus Tipp: Auf aliexpress schauen, die haben da einen offiziellen Store, wo sie die Teile teilweise noch günstiger verkaufen als auf der Webseite und immer wieder Aktionen haben.

  • birdcat@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlStop being elitist, spread Linux!
    5 months ago

    mostly just abbreviations like

    :*:ty-::Thank you very much

    I know its possible in linux. but on windows in ahk it takes me seconds to add/remove/deactivate/activate them. and on a good working day do that maybe 20 to 50 times. and they are all in one single file.

    i also use it for simple shortcuts or things like

    :R*?:ddd:: FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, dd.MM.yy SendInput %CurrentDateTime% return

    or stuff like search selected text in search engine X or Y; but if selected in program A, then use search engine Z or open program B and enter it there. but those are the most complicated ones i use and dont need quick changing.

  • That is the most disturbing part of this whole mess. People seem to actually believe that Russel Brand is a danger to the establishment. He acts like a teenager who got grounded, and then goes on a rant about how the illuminati imprisoned him because he was about to uncover the truth about the yeti.

    Literally a 50-year-old man-baby who just realized what people usually realize when they are teenagers; corporations want to earn money, governments are involved in wars, there is something called capitalism, and life is not fair.

    How is preaching those things on Youtube a threat to the establishment? Dude got fucking canceled cuz people dug up the dirt, it happens but does not mean you’re the second coming of Jesus Christ, Neo or Che Guevara.

    Seriously, what is wrong with the world? Also I thought Blumenthal was smart, wtf.