• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • Always check the package list when updating. Tumbleweed for some reason occasionally wants to install Patterns even if they were not included to begin with. I’ve taken to updating with the command:

    sudo zypper dup --no-recommends

    to avoid installing packages/patterns I’m trying to avoid. You could probably also mask some packages so they are never installed, but I haven’t looked in to that.

    Hope that helps.

  • Disappoint is a sober word here. I am actually pissed at the casual arrogance of Ubuntu and its parent company Canonical.

    I’m actually baffled that this would come as a surprise to people. Canonical has been like this for a long time and you’d have to have blinders on to not see it. They are hell-bent on doing things their way and ignoring the wider Linux community and even their users. That is, of course, their prerogative and to some degree I even welcome their attempts at differentiating their distro from others. As a user though you should be aware of their history and the apparent direction they’re heading.

    I just wish they’d stop stalling and went all-in on snaps already, since that’s pretty obviously where they’re headed.

  • Haven’t watched all of it, but off the top of my head: Bryan Lunduke is long time Linux and FOSS enthusiast who is known for having yearly tongue-in-cheek “Linux sucks” speeches, which have traditionally been good fun. Lunduke has in the past few years become a polarizing figure with a lot of reactionary American politics seeping in to his Linux content. Nicco is a KDE developer and youtuber who made this video to criticize his latest content.

  • Good questions.

    1. Absolutely valid, but also kind of misleading. For a new user the biggest issue is probably picking the DE. Package managers are important, but they all pretty much do the same thing with some syntax differences. There are some edge cases though. If you really want to go through picking your distro piece by piece, look up installing Gentoo. I don’t really recommend it, but there it is.
    2. You’re not going to be really missing anything by installing Mint, I don’t think. Distros do have different packages in their repositories, but with Flatpaks, Snaps, AppImages, etc. it’s rare to not have something available. And you can always just compile what you need yourself.
    3. Librewolf and Strawberry can get me pretty far.
    4. Drivers come with the kernel. You can uninstall and install programs according to your needs. Be careful though, always make sure you’re not removing something that’s an important dependency for other programs. Might lose your whole DE that way.
    5. Not really something you should be concerned with, honestly. I personally use KDE Plasma and favor QT based programs because I don’t want to pull in GTK libraries, but that’s honestly kind of silly. Some people just like to keep their number of installed packages low.
    6. Just pick one, really. With experience, you can start to personalize your system. You can try different distros/DEs by booting from a flash drive in to a live environment. No changes will be made to your system and you can see if you like the DE.