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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I really appreciate your comment but yes, I use frigate on an HAOS system. It works incredible and I have six of their cameras running along with four others from a different brand. The other four I can manipulate completely via Firefox on HAOS. The Reolink cameras just have no other option than doing the initial setup and advanced configurations from windows. So I keep a lab pc connected to that environment just so if I want to tweek anything like fps, resolution, network settings (IP, gateway, etc) that I’m able to do so. The web interface once enabling the https service on the camera has garbage capabilities compared to my other cameras. It’s not a huge deal, I haven’t had to get into them for advanced settings in a few months but it really annoys me that I can’t do initial configuration and advanced settings from Linux.

  • I’m trying to figure out what to do with my lab workstation. If I want to mess with the settings of my Reolink cameras windows seems to be the only stable option sadly. I’ve tried their android software and it’s garbage. The web interface is very limited after enabling it in the settings via their software. Wine has not worked well for me. It’s an isolated lan so it’s not a huge deal but I really wish there was a Linux build. I love the hardware and don’t want to replace the physical cameras. Just so stupid they won’t support a Linux client.

  • I appreciate you sharing your interpretation and I agree. The sciences are even worse. If we hire a service we have my wife handle the first conversation while I stay in another room to ensure we don’t hire anyone that is openly misogynistic. I couldn’t even begin to count how many people we’ve turned away due to some variation of “can I talk to your husband”.

  • Waraugh@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    toTechnology@lemmy.mlNo Web Without Women
    2 months ago

    I do not disagree with you on any of your points and it’s why I said that it doesn’t bother me as much when done to support misrepresented groups.

    Elon Musk isn’t a genius engineer that revolutionized anything. The brilliant minds at Tesla, women included did. The QB didn’t win the football game, the team did. The professor that has his or her name published and stuff named after him didn’t do all the work but it will usually be a white man unfortunately getting the credit which is garbage. Women and really anyone that isn’t a white male gets the short end of the stick.

    I was saying that their are more honest ways of presenting these women’s accomplishments rather than saying the web wouldn’t exist.

  • Waraugh@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    toTechnology@lemmy.mlNo Web Without Women
    2 months ago

    I don’t mind as much when supporting equitable efforts but it always bugs me when anyone claims something wouldn’t exist without X like nobody else contributed and/or advancements wouldn’t have been made without a specific individual and I feel like their are more constructive ways to communicate the significant value of women without the absurd claim that the web wouldn’t exist without the specific contributions from a very small subset of individual women in a field with many brilliant minds.

  • I’ll never lose sleep over it and don’t care for the whales but I do directly donate $15 a month, sometimes individually but often times to 2 or 3 individuals. The only service I pay for otherwise is realdebrid. I started donating as I got to a comfortable place in life and am happy to contribute that subscription plus my $15 a month donation to the project, creator, artist w/e. I pick based on the content our household is consuming or projects I want to support.

    At the end of the day I don’t think anyone needs to justify anything. Even if pirating is considered to be immoral, which I’m not arguing, it would still be the least immoral practice in the process compared to all the shit that takes place with large commercially developed content.

    If things ever got stupid I’d just play crossword and do puzzles, I’m not so attached to electronic media that I’d pay over $50 a month for the entertainment.

  • I was pretty pissed about the whole situation. I checked with two ISPs prior to buying the house and both told me cable internet was available at the address. Turned out the cable terminated half a mile down the road towards the town and they wouldn’t pay to extend the run, or even let me pay to extend it. Then I tried to enable the hotspot and received a pop up saying my plan didn’t support it. I was further upset when I realized I could only share to five devices once I added that to my plan which made me more determined to figure something out. I don’t think I would have stumbled onto the solution if I hadn’t been so upset and determined about everything. I didn’t want to do satellite because latency and all of them having monthly data caps. Being on the internet with dialup is all but useless. Even news articles back in ~2015 would take a solid five minutes to load. Couldn’t stream anything obviously. It was hell. Before I moved out I had setup a yagi antenna pointed at a T-Mobile tower and was getting full bars and pretty respectable speeds considering, comparable or higher than cable would have been. I did end up having to setup a pc fan near the dongle to keep it cool though because it would get really hot. My first one started smoking and died. The second one lasted three years before I ended up moving.

  • Yeah they charge for tethering. When I lived in a rural area with only dial up, only eight years ago, I got an Ethernet dongle I could plug into my computer and setup the connection to an old cellphone then unplug from the computer and plug that into the internet port of my router so our whole house could share the T-Mobile unlimited data and the cell phone only saw it as one device. Just left the phone plugged in where it got the best service. Even with the hotspot addon (+25$) I could only connect five devices. That added up a lot faster than I expected so the dongle ended up being my work around.