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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I don’t know you, but I can see that you’re halfway there. Let’s take the next step.

    It’s important for yourself that you understand that it’s not Rosie who is „struggling“. The one „struggling“ is you, it’s projection. I get it, I’ve been there. We all fall into these traps of projecting our own insecurities onto others.

    Let’s take another step.

    Consider the possibility you did not type your comment primarily for us to read. Is it possible you typed it out for yourself, to externalise an inner conflict? Maybe, via your comment, you’re effectively trying to address the better version of you, which you’re painfully aware is inside of you waiting to be allowed? If that‘s the case, allow yourself to grow and resolve this conflict. Love yourself and your attitude towards yourself and by extension towards others will likely change. It seems that you actually crave this alteration. I don’t believe that you have accepted defeat despite saying „but it is what it is“.

    In any event, Rosie has a successful TV career. Nobody forces you to watch anything or anyone. Personally, I find Rosie funny as fuck, and the suspense of waiting for the deadpan punchlines to come through is what makes her comedy unique. Go Rosie.

  • You got your answers before, you just don’t want to accept them. The relationship between budget and performance expectation still borders delusion.

    To quote u/Peachman who hit the nail on the head:

    Looking for recommendations for a racecar, at least 800 horsepower. Needs to hit 60 mph in under 4 seconds. My budget is $2000. Please give recommendations. LOL

    Fork out more money or lower your expectation.

  • mens rea : a culpable mental state especially : one involving intent or knowledge and forming an element of a criminal offense

    It doesn’t. Otherwise one could just say “Sorry I was daydreaming and simply didn’t today attention.” and get off the liability. This is, in fact, the relevant word:

    Many traffic offences, including speeding, are considered strict liability offences in virtually every jurisdiction, which means that it is sufficient to prove that the act occurred and it is unnecessary to prove intent. In such cases, whether or not an offender meant to commit the offence is irrelevant. For strict liability offences, lawyers are unable to argue that the offender had no knowledge or intentions of committing the offence because what counts is whether the offence was committed.

    A judge would simply look if the elements are proven:

    a) the offence was committed b) no lawful excuse or defence for doing so exists

    However, there is the defence of reasonable mistake. This means that it is sometimes possible for strict liability traffic offences to be refuted if the offender can successfully argue and provide evidence to show that they were genuinely mistaken and did not know they were committing the offence. However, this is different from the mens rea principle.

  • Klingt nach problematischer Teamkultur.

    Die managende Person die dir vorgesetzt ist hat die Verpflichtung einen Arbeitsplatz zu garantieren, an dem nicht gegen Mitarbeiter diskriminiert wird.

    Ich würde den Manager(in) darauf aufmerksam machen, und entweder um Konfliktresolution bitten. Aber es hört sich an als ob das dort vielleicht Methode hat, in welchem Fall ein Le Besprechung mit dem ganzen Team um eine bessere Arbeitskultur anzuregen und durchzusetzen der richtige Weg wäre. Wenn das nicht hilft, solltest du vielleicht eine Umleitung nehmen und dich umsehen.

    Pflegepersonal ist ja sicher gefragt, du sitzt also vielleicht am langen Hebel. Viel Glück, ich hoffe alles wird gut!