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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月1日


  • In the early 90s at the dawn of my programing/sysadmin career. I showed up to my first week of work at “Initech” in dress pants, shirt, and tie. The senior gray beard UNIX sysadmin wore wholey jeans and ratty t-shirts. I don’t recall whether he sat me down and told me, or I figured it out on my own that to be taken seriously in a technical field you must dress down. Brilliant people look disheveled (see Albert Einstein, Steve Wozniak, et al). I ditched the stupid tie & began dressing more comfortably.

    Anthropologists call this antagonistic aculturation. Us IT geeks intentionally set our selves apart from the business drones & we had to exercise our privilege of dressing comfortabley while working ungodly hours to solve impossible problems.

    Now I’m the gray beard and I’ve mentoed the brighter of the pimple faced youths I’ve hired in the ancient customs of our tribe. Looking back, It seems that IT’s greatest influence on business has not been the increased efficiency of the paperless office, but the casual attire that most office workers now enjoy.

    You’re welcome, world.

  • TheWoozy@lemmy.world
    toSelfhosted@lemmy.worldRecommend me an RSS feed reader
    1 年前

    I’ve been running tiny tiny rss (aka ttrss) on a vps for well over 10 years. It’s been rock solid through many upgrades. It’s got a great web interface & android app. There’s a decent sized community for it. The only drawback is that primary dev (fox) does not tolerate (what he conciders) dumb questions. The new docker compose deployment is brain-dead simple.