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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • Practice in a VM and see for yourself! I did that, set everything up, and ultimately decided it was more system admin detail than I wanted to take on. But as far as ease goes, it’s not especially hard, there’s just not much in the way of hand-holding or preset configs, and you’ll likely find there’s a lot of preinstalled drivers and things you take for granted.

  • TBH, Red Hat focusing their attention on business isn’t that problematic for me. RHEL is specifically for businesses, and Red Hat needs to make money to keep operating. Kind of a necessary evil, if you could consider that evil. However, I completely understand why the capitalist realm makes average people squirm.

    But that said, I usually prefer community projects myself (Fedora spins included), since they tend to have modified setups that are more in line with what regular users would want or need.

  • TBH, I use Powershell on my Windows install, and they’ve made some good improvements over the years. I forget that it also works on Linux.

    Shame v1.0 ships with new installations, and you have to manually go out and install the latest versions to get the benefits. Dunno why MS doesn’t just automatically update it with everything else.

  • From what I gather, it’s very similar. They’re both containerization tools to install software in a container overlay (someone mentioned to me before that they both even draw from the same Docker images).

    Toolbx environments have seamless access to the user’s home directory, the Wayland and X11 sockets, networking (including Avahi), removable devices (like USB sticks), systemd journal, SSH agent, D-Bus, ulimits, /dev and the udev database, etc…

    I’m not familiar with the finer details, but here’s some example use cases.

    ETA: Based on the examples, it reminds me of how NixOS uses nested shells to do things.