• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023

  • Floccus is what I use for bookmarks.

    Works across pretty much any browser and on Android (maybe iOS, I’m not sure). I’ve got it set up on my Synology NAS through webdav, and it’s been reliable.

    I do also use Linkwarden, but that’s more to collect web pages, and not just bookmark them. The archive feature is great, since it doesn’t rely on the page still being live to work.

    Linkwarden and Floccus are very different, IMO.

  • do you re-watch enough YT videos that you need to archive your subscriptions?

    Well, if I can get it working, I would much rather be watching via Jellyfin on my TV and not whatever crappy, privacy-invading, ad-shoving Youtube app I’m forced to use.

    But realistically, I want to keep some how-to / maintenance videos archived, because I’ve lost track of how many times they went “private” and can’t be accessed anymore. Some really niche product use/maintenance videos tend to disappear.

    I have no real interest in data hoarding vlogs or other crap. Just informational stuff.

  • Synology user running some docker containers.

    Very, very little maintenance. If there’s an update for something on docker, a simple click in the container manager, and it’s done. Yes, I can automate, but prefer to manually do these as many of the docker apps I use are in high development and I like to know what’s changing with each version.

    Synology packages update easily, and the system updates happen only once in a while. A click and reboot.

    I’ve tried to minimize things as much as possible, and to make things easier for me. One day, someone in my family will need to take over, and I don’t want to over-complicate things for them, lest they lose all our family photos, documents, etc.

    I probably spend more time keeping the fans on my actual NAS clean of dust, than I do maintain the software end of things. LOL

    edit: spelling

  • The one feature I like about the smart TV is support for DLNA

    Yes, a nice feature that even early “smart” TVs had. It could have stopped at that and everyone would have been happy.

    But today’s smart TV’s loaded with ads; unnecessary bloat; “shortcuts” to services you have no intention of ever using; massive user tracking; and complicated firmware/software that can render your TV useless, have become the real problems. It’s the enshittification of hardware that really was just fine being “dumb”.

  • I remember watching a recent program (one of those investigative consumer news shows), and I remember the LG problem you mentioned. A ton of people had an issue with that compressor, and LG just kept selling the damn things. Knock on wood, our LG washer and drier, and TV have been very reliable.

    I’d get a much better experience with a small PC hooked up to it instead

    That’s what I do these days. Combined with media I have on my NAS, I don’t need other “apps” or garbage nonsense on my TV. If only they made 60" computer monitors. LOL

  • I generally prefer simpler devices, and it was difficult buying a fridge with decent longevity (i.e. limited smart crap, ice maker in the freezer instead of fridge, etc). That’s becoming more and more difficult, and large appliances have shorter and shorter lifespans (I had my compressor die twice in <10 years in my LG fridge… fridges used to last 15+ years).

    I should say that my current fridge is 27 years old and has NEVER had a problem (other than over-stuffed crisper drawers being broken).

    I was reading that the average life for a fridge is 10-15 years, and I can’t honestly believe they are being made so poorly these days. They are such simple appliances, and I dread the day when I have to replace this one for a modern version.

    But I’d love for my next TV to be a dumb TV. All the features my LG tv has just gets in the way of using it. LOL

  • Fair point re: software. Part of manufacturing products that don’t need to be thrown away would entail longer software support, naturally.

    But realistically, software was never an issue 15+ years ago, when your toaster and microwave weren’t connected to the internet and your fridge didn’t have a large tablet interface.

    I think we would all do better by having a few more “dumb, but immortal” products in our lives.