ShittyKopper [they/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Lemmy’s cross posts are separate posts that just happen to link to the same thing. so only replies to the original post would be sent with the current design.

    that said, i severely doubt Lemmy will gain anything from this. publishers will not be sending out their posts to any communities, and i highly doubt they will expose any fep-1b12 group actors you can subscribe as a community.

    kbin/mbin with it’s ability to follow users may work better, assuming people test their federation with software other than mastodon, and accept any of the interoperability bugs as actual bugs instead of ignoring them. (lemmy itself is no stranger to this: the fact that users and communities can share the same username break quite a bit)

  • TLDR of linked gist: wayland is not X therefore it is bad. end of.

    Wayland breaks Xclip: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?

    also, perhaps all OP (of gist) needs is a simple shim that can convert calls to xclip to wl-copy/paste? that doesn’t seem too hard to make compared to keeping alive I’d say (perhaps they should try making it if it’s that much of a problem)

    Wayland breaks screensavers: Yeah, that seems to be the case.

    from the dev of xscreensaver at :

    […] Adding screen savers to Wayland is not simply a matter of “port the XScreenSaver daemon”, because under the Wayland model, screen blanking and locking should not be a third-party user-space app; much of the logic must be embedded into the display manager itself. This is a good thing! It is a better model than what we have under X11. […]

    […] Under X11, you run XScreenSaver, which is a user-space program that tries really hard to keep the screen locked and never crash. It is very good at this, but that it needs to try so hard in the first place is a fundamental design flaw of X11. […]

    other people can comment on the parts they know about, these are two i know of off the top of my head

  • One of the reasons I use containers instead of installing things directly is that i can completely uninstall a service by deleting a single directory (that contains a compose.yml and any necessary volumes) and running a docker/podman system prune -a

    or that i can back up everything by backing up a single “containers” dir, which i could have on a subvolume and snapshot if i wanted to

    systemd/quadlet on the other hand makes me throw files in /etc (which is where you’re supposed to put them, but ends up resulting in them being tangled together with base system configuration often partially managed by the package manager)

    The Solution™ to this is configuration management like ansible or whatnot, which needlessly overcomplicates things for the use cases i need (though they’re still useful for getting a base system “container ready” wrt ssh hardening and such)

    tldr: i want my base system to be separated from my services, and systemd integration is the exact wrong tool for this job

  • I think more matrix users should consider using smaller instances tbh

    Matrix on smaller instances suck because of how bad the protocol is. It “re-plays” the entire history of the channel on first join because channels need to be consistent between all instances because Matrix isn’t just a mediocre chat protocol but a generic data protocol that’s been beaten into the shape of a mediocre chat protocol.

    It tries contacting every instance in a channel for their keys. Even the dead ones. And yes it takes exactly as long as you think it does for them to time out. Dendrite solves this by asking for everyone else’s keys by default.

    But because channels are completely synchronized at least you get to easily migrate channels between instances just by assigning an alias and telling people use the alias to join instead.