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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • It should be illegal for a company to sign you up for an account on any other platform than the one you made the account for.

    If I sign up for Facebook I don’t want to have an Instagram account, or vice versa.

    If they want to integrate everything then put it all under one platform name. If they need to you have a “Meta” account to use Facebook and Instagram, then you at least know you can delete your meta account information and it won’t show up in two different places. One centralized place for your information.

  • Can puberty blocking be reversed at a later date?

    Or can blocked puberty be reverted later?

    I could agree with a ban whole heatedly if blocking can’t be reversed and blocked cannot be reverted, but I would likely to oppose a ban it if blocking can be reversed and blocked could be reverted.

    Gets a little fuzzy if it’s one or the other though.

    Wouldn’t want someone to miss their only chance to block puberty, but also wouldn’t want someone to make a permanent choice at 13-14 which can’t be reversed if they want to later on.

  • “Dafne Moran Toha, defending the 11-year-old boy, said his behaviour was due to his “lack of maturity” and “very young age”.”

    Fuck that bullshit. There are hundreds of millions of young people with little maturity across the entire globe, and hardly any of them decide it will be a good idea to murder small animals. These boys are mentally ill in some form or another and need therapy or meds of some sort.