• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I like it and have been using it for something like 6 months. I had an issue where I really liked the application and how simple it was but I didn’t really want to “budget”, just keep an eye on where my money was going. That was fine, just keep zero-ing the numbers every month, slightly tedious though. Now they’ve got a “report” style behind an experimental flag and that’s made it pretty perfect for me.

    I set up some family members with the electron app after they had spent 3 days to do in a spreadsheet what I had done in 3 hours in actual. There was resistance initially due to sunk cost fallacy but now they’re loving it.

    Other options like ynab and firefly were just too bloated and complex for our simple use case.

  • There’s an argument to be made that without David Cameron’s decision to sacrifice the country’s relationship with Europe and appeal to UKIP with the Brexit referendum we wouldn’t have had May, Brexit, Boris, Truss or Sunak. To be honest I think we would have had Boris anyway but we maybe wouldn’t have had such a lurch to the far right as we’ve had.

    Having said that, I think the shift to the right was already underway, a Boris follow-up was pretty inevitable with how skilled he is at fooling people with charisma (that somehow made everyone forget or forgive his leaked conversation to have a journalist assaulted). His legacy will always be his completely inadequate and corrupt handling of COVID. The one good thing I’ll say about him especially compared to Sunak is that he does seem to genuinely care about the environment and did enact some positive environment policy.

  • Thanks, the flexibility and closed source (I assume) of turn key solutions puts me off them. I’ve already got a raspberry pi running a few containers and I work with docker and Linux in my day job so I know a decent amount. The form factor of the turnkey solutions is the big draw for me at the moment to them as I’ve just got a spare ATX mid size tower handy. Would ideally replace with smaller case but then I’d need a smaller motherboard and that’s just raising costs for starting out. Potential upgrade path anyway.

  • I think part of why it’s confusing is that we don’t have defined names for these things. This is so early in a social media “product” life that there isn’t a common understanding. You’re now part of making those names. It’s a bit exciting but mostly confusing while everyone uses their own terms to mean the same fundamental things. Embrace the chaos!