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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • He also seems to make a video almost every day. That really doesn’t help with the quality of the video’s. I doubt there is a lot of time to do additional research on the topic, so often it seems to just stick to the basic information from some kind of article and comments (and maybe a few related articles). And is often just related to the drama of the day.

    Although he does sometimes have video’s that do require more research, but a lot of people won’t see those as they assume low quality because of many other video’s.

  • Sometimes I do like his videos, but this one was positioned so bad. The video does go over the changes in Plasma 6.1 and they are good, but this is not a huge change that would change anybodies live.

    I know he is probably inspired by channels like Linus Tech Tips, but even they don’t got that far anymore. I think he probably intended this in a comedic way, as most of his audience knows that he makes his videos like this, but it really makes the videos worse.

  • Although this feature sounds helpful, it really looks like they went too far with this. They should probably look for a way to sell these Copilot+ pc’s in another way if they can’t get this secure enough and probably keep it disabled for companies…

    I’m surprised they didn’t make sure that the part that should help you hide sensitive information worked well before letting the first testers get their hands on the feature. All this bad news about the future doesn’t help convince people to turn it on.

  • I started with an openSUSE dual boot with KDE. I didn’t use Linux a lot at that point. Later, I switched to Ubuntu on a laptop for about a year and used that until I bought a MacBook. Eventually, I returned to Linux by running Pop!_OS on my desktop, but games were a bit choppy, and I really wanted to just run Wayland. I also started to use RHEL at work for our servers. So now I’m trying to switch to Fedora. I still have some issues with the Jagex Launcher, but aside from that, everything seems to work great now.

    At home, I have also had an Ubuntu Server for many years, and I also run Ubuntu Server on my VPS.

  • Flatpak and Snap definitely make installation more simple. The packages come with their own dependencies so you have way less issues with conflicting dependencies. I like them when they are officially supported by the distribution or developer, but I prefer the official installations over supporting a random person making a package (not sure if this is a thing with Flatpak, but with Snaps that was definitely a thing).

    Some software really benefits from not begin inside flatpak though, I had to switch back to the deb version of Visual Studio Code as the integrated console didn’t have access to some software outside the package and was also logging weird errors.

  • Not worried at all. Their source code controversy mostly hurts companies that want to run RHEL without paying IBM, as after these changes distos like Alma Linux and Rockey Linux might diverge more from RHEL and they will have a harder time to guarantee bug-for-bug compatibility.

    Fedora is not trying to steal business and government contracts away from RHEL and as a normal user you don’t need this bug-for-bug compatibility anyway. You can just sign up for a RedHat developer account and download RHEL Server for free, this includes a GUI everything you need to run it on a workstation. You can even view the source code trough their website.

    So I am not worried that CentOS stream or Fedora will go away, RedHat is not trying to hurt consumers, they just want that enterprises (that are interested in support contracts) actually pay them when they use the work they put into RHEL. If they want a free version, they can still use CentOS stream.

  • Such a misleading title… if they actually do this you will still be able to install the minimum version of Ubuntu, you just get the option to pick additional software that automatically gets installed as snap packages.

    I really don’t see the issue. If you don’t want any additional application or if you don’t want snap packages don’t pick anything. It really is their choice to support Snap packages, and snap and flatpack packages are just a lot easier to support for distro maintainers.

  • I use Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Safari. I like using a browser that is very similar to Chrome, but I rather avoid Chrome. Edge was also forced for using Bing chat for some time. Safari is fine, but you can’t use all the plugins that are available for other browsers, and that is a bit annoying.

    I used Firefox a lot before, but some websites that I used had some annoying bugs. I’m also a bit more used to the dev tools of Edge. Of course, I test websites that I build on all 3 browsers, and often have more than one open at the same time.

  • I think the cheaper version will still be around $ 2000 because of the display. For me that would be cheap enough to buy one if the software is fine. Maybe they could indeed switch to an iPhone processor and require a connection to a Mac for more demanding apps. But you have a good point about AR, they will still need that 2 chip design so AR features like the hand gesture controls will work well.

    If they would want to get rid of OpticID, they would have to require other Apple devices for authentication or introduce TouchID on the device. So they probably also want to keep that.

  • I really hope they won’t cut the quality of the screen for the cheaper model. If the experience gets worse people will start having the same issues as the Meta Quest, where text on screens will be hard to read. If things become less fluent users will start to feel dizzy and it will feel less natural to us the device.

    I was looking forward to getting one, but the $3,500 price is just way too expensive and if not many people get the device, developers won’t care about the device. And that would be really bad for external app support.