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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • Always wondered if it was coming to Switch. But a lot of us assumed it wouldn’t when Microsoft bought Obsidian.

    It’s a blast on Steam Deck, playing wherever you can out and about. This is one of those games that is perfect for the Switch.

    The ability to ad hoc with nearby Switches would make this so much fun when you don’t have access to internet nearby to play with friends.

  • I don’t pay for anything YouTube-related but not at all surprised they recommend shit that is irrelevant.

    I’m the opposite as you and enjoy metal/rock as well as rap/hip hop. But I am constantly being shown “recommendations” for pop and anything I’ve literally never listened to. Also tons of live performances I just don’t care about.

    And what’s funny is there is a way to tell YouTube that you don’t want to see certain videos of non-music stuff, like if I don’t want to see anything from LTT when it’s recommended. But for music? Lol, nope. No such option. It’s so stupid…

  • I was fine with paying for Netflix. Then they started pulling shit off for their own services and I quit when there was nothing but the lame Netflix originals and some old shit I don’t watch anymore. One of the things that put me over the edge was when they would do things like put a sequel up but not the original.

    How the fuck do you expect me to just jump into The Two Towers and not expect me to want to watch The Fellowship of the Ring first?! Oh you think I’m going to go buy/rent the first movie 😂 that’s cute.

    No, I’ll just go back to pirating. Much more convenient to be able to say, watch an episode of The Office and then switch to a Marvel movie from Disney+ and then a Marvel show from Netflix without paying a dime to 3 different subscriptions and being inconvenienced to have to close and open a whole new fucking app.

    Now I just spend money for a VPN each month. Less than what it costs for a single of any of those other subscriptions too and I can choose my quality and version and not worry about it getting removed tomorrow!

  • They should have included gyms as part of this.

    I will never sign up with Planet Fitness ever again.

    The law should be that however you can sign up should be how you can cancel. If you can sign up online or at any gym and use any other gym, then you should be able to cancel online or at any gym.

    PF told me I had to go to the PF I joined up at. Doesn’t matter that I moved 70 miles away. The only exception is to send a specific letter in a specific way to that location and then you’ll supposedly get it canceled.

    Fuck companies that do that. You make plenty off people forgetting they have a membership. Least you can do is let the smart ones off when they ask politely.

  • It used to work for me for years and then it gave it up for some reason I can’t remember. Though this was under iTunes Match which is still sort of the same thing, just exclusively for uploading music but no streaming what you haven’t uploaded or purchased.

    Though, it did replace some of my music for clean versions which I despise. Music I’ve had for decades and have no copies of any longer…I would be morally justified pirating the right copies, but it’s too many to go through.

    What they did this last time was that they replaced more of my music with different versions. I’m talking very different versions to what my CDs had from back when these were CDs my dad let me rip when I was a teen decades ago and they replaced some of my music with versions that didn’t download correctly and couldn’t be played anymore. Almost like corrupt copies.

    My offline music library was a mess. 60+ GB worth of music, most of it was inaccessible anymore and would give me strange errors like it wasn’t available in my region anymore despite it being music I uploaded. Apparently others have experienced similarly recently and the only fix was if you have a backup to restore from backup.

  • I bought an album off iTunes last year in September. I made the mistake of joining Apple Music and it completely fucked my offline music library. So I had to revert to a backup prior to September.

    Went back to download that album and was told I couldn’t because it’s no longer available in my region.

    It’s okay to buy it but you can somehow lose access to it because rights expired that had no bearing on you.

    It’s fucking stupid and they wonder why people pirate when they pull shit like this.