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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • Ha! I just did something like that. I thought I had “orphaned” BTRFS snapshots taking up space.

    I opened a file explorer as root…I deleted this one that wasn’t listed.

    Oh wait…“Writable snapshot”…? Oh…no.

    Yeah suddenly no programs or anything worked. Sadly there was no snapshot restoring out of that one! (That I would be capable of, anyway!)

    So yeah, I managed to deliberately bumble past several safeguards into the “I should know what I’m doing” area, and found a magical way to rm -rf / from the GUI, essentially. Wee!

    Thankfully, /home was its own partition, so aside from minor inconveniences bringing .configs back over and other little tweaks I’d implemented, I have reinstalled OpenSUSE Tumbleweed leaner, meaner, and cleaner. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    ACTUALLY, glad I backed up /home before the reinstall because the first reinstall attempt failed and wiped it!

    Backups, kids. They really are the difference between “Aw darn, live and learn.”…and complete heartbreaking despair.

  • Aw that’s such a bummer! I don’t have a ton of experience here but currently I’m running OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, and something it does is say “This dependency can’t be satisfied, what do you want to do?”

    You can usually “keep obsolete”, “remove the thing”, “ignore this and risk breaking it”.

    If I keep hitting “keep obsolete” and it just goes in circles, I wait a few weeks and usually everything has been pushed by then. :)

    I wonder if this mismatch could be from the 'buntu distros holding back certain packages differently from KDE’s schedule… I sadly don’t know enough to comment. 😅

  • EDIT: sorry for comment spam! Jerboa having issues posting, hope it doesn’t show up and I tried to delete duplicates. XD

    The best time to play with Linux as a daily driver system is now.

    Play around with some virtual machines using VirtualBox for instance, do some installs, try distros, try desktop environments see what you fancy. Cool thing about playing with VMs is if you tank a system you can just delete and start over. :)

    An old laptop to try a real “bare-metal” install to play with is even better.

    This way, when MS says “Win10 is gonna be left to rot as security swiss cheese and your only option is Ai-enabled telemetry-infested account-mandatory nonsense.”

    You can just comfortably jump to something you’ve already gotten familiar with!

    The 'Deck can be used as a “real computer” too! It’s worth playing around in Desktop mode to just get used to how using Linux and KDE feels.

    Wishing you all the best. :)

  • I think we need to do some really difficult investigations that essentially can show concrete proof of how this affects people:

    "See you were looking up vacations and insurance right? Well you signed up to your car’s connected service, you have an Alexa in your house, and a smart TV and a fridge all talking to each other…and they all worked together to put together a profile of how much you make and how old you are and everything else…

    …so your neighbor looked up the same insurance and vacations and is paying about $200 less for the exact same of each, because they use AdBlock and don’t allow spy devices in their house."

    And then finish with the real kicker:

    “I know you didn’t ask to participate, but we just scraped all this information about you off the Internet and didn’t even need to ask you. We had to ask your neighbor to participate though.”

  • “Oh to change that basic thing? Control panel…wait…no…the other control panel, the real one…no …(searches it despite MS hiding it more than ever) ok now it’s in one of these obscure hyperlinks half-assedly tossed to the side…which opens a dialogue…with 4 tabs…after you click “advanced”…THERE I turned off Fastboot for you.”

    I can’t believe that’s how I used to have to do things lmao.