@Kichae@kbin.social @Kichae@tenforward.social @Kichae@kitchenparty.social

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Federation isn’t a mess, it’s just… messier. And too many federated services do their damnedest to hide that they function differently, meaning people treat them like they’re perfect drop-in replacements.

    It results in a lot of questions about “Why can’t I ____?” and answers of the “Because this doesn’t work that way” variety.

    Like, look at Mastodon. It bends over backwards to hide the fact that it’s 10,000 different websites. The result is that people could not understand what the big deal was, nor why it wasn’t as easy to see everything from some other website as easily as they could from a single website that everyone was using.

    This further led to centralization of the Mastodon ecosystem, which… I mean, at that point, you’re just abandoning the central concept.

  • How often does “a bunch of non-devs flock to a half-baked community FOSS project and suddenly gain a bunch of devs” actually play out?

    The one reasonable possibility is that they might pick up a designer or two, but how many community FOSS projects seriously consider non-code or non-art contributions? Because based on the FOSS software I’ve used, it’s a vanishingly small number.

    Coders over-value code, and under-value everything else.

  • I saw some engagement graphs a few weeks ago for a few niche subreddits. Not necessarily niche in the “small” way, but in the “focused interest” way.

    Posts and comments per day completely collapsed during the 3rd party app-pocolypse, and never recovered. Community membership didn’t even show a blip, but actual discussions fell off a cliff.

    The Reddit app is really bad, and the website is worse. The mobile website is somehow the worst of the lot. Doing anything but voting and scrolling is painful. Reddit has successfully ended its usefulness as a community space. Most people there don’t aeem to have noticed this sea change, yet.

    Or at least, they’ve found no compelling reason to go elsewhere yet.

  • Credit where credit is due, if we define a generation as a 15 year period of time, and we decide that Gen Z started in 1995 (for easy math), you do, in fact, land on 1665.

    I don’t know why the author thinks that Gen D doesn’t exist yet, when the pattern of X, Y (Millennials), and Z make a pattern that both implies that the Latin alphabet’s use is coming to an end for this purpose (ignoring that Gen X was named not as part of a sequence of letters, but by Douglas Copeland’s book, which was titled itself using an existing phrase), and that can easily be extrapolated backwards through time.