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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • If the government, 5-10 years ago when it would have been apropos to do so, looked into vaping and drew up specific regulations to have legal vaping, we wouldn’t have the issue we have today. Instead, because of almost a decade of inaction, we now have a new generation of nicotine addicts that they’re hurriedly trying to stop.

    We needed regulated, plain-packaged and limited-flavour vapes available to legally buy at a reasonable price to quash out both smoking and prevent kids from getting addicted, but that horse has already bolted.

    The cynic in me says they intentionally didn’t regulate vapes because the science wasn’t ready yet, and they didn’t want to accept any blame for legalising something that could end up to be pretty harmful in the long term. So, because they didn’t want to accept that risk then we now have a whole generation of vapers whose health issues we’ll be dealing with for 80+ years to come.

    Spoken as an ex-smoker, current vaper as a smoking cessation method.

  • My wife and I took part in the survey as people who aren’t in programming and have never used LLM art generators before, and we scored quite poorly. I got all of the photorealistic images correct, but the painting/drawing pictures were much more difficult.

    I think a better test would be to give four real artists and five LLM art generators the same prompt, show all nine of those together in a square and you have to pick the real ones. Then we’re comparing like-for-like as opposed to trying to spot an LLM image out of the blue.

  • I’ve played through Kingdom Battle +DLC and loved it and just recently finished Sparks of Hope. I’m waiting for this DLC to drop before playing through all the DLCs.

    I’ve really enjoyed both games! Making the move distance truly circular rather than block-limited was a cool change and I love Edge as a new playable character. I also like how they changed the worlds from linear to more open and the new battles where you have to destroy the eyes or complete other objectives is nice to break up the whole ‘kill dudes or get to a location’ feel from Kingdom Battle. Having world-based puzzles as well helped to break this up even further. The addition of equippable Sparks also really helped to increase team versatility (although I completed the whole game with Edge, Luigi and Rabbid Peach).

    All in all it’s a very well-crafted turn based strategy game that I’d recommend to anyone who likes strategy games - Mario/Rayman fans or not.