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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • If you’re saying everyone is providing your point, I think you disproved your own point.

    They’re doing it because we are conditioned to want it.

    Conditioning a behavior is basic psych101. It’s a controlled external stimulus which illicits a desirable action from the subject. So a conditioned consumer is subject to external stimulie which illicits them to spend. I wouldn’t blame the subject here, I’d blame the one doing the conditioning.

    Regardless of all that, you are right but so wrong. We are all to blame, but I mean corporations and us. Politicians and the oligarchs aren’t responsible for what you or I do. What they are responsible for is manipulating systems to benefit themselves over the interests of the general public.

    Since politicians and the business elite wield so much influence that makes them more responsible than you or I who really can’t make a big difference on our own. You’re blaming the proletariat for being the proletariat, but we don’t choose whether or not we are. You can work as hard as you can your entire life and you’ll never amount to the level of power and influence Elon, Jeff, Mark, Bill, or Steve had/have.

  • I made the switch to Mint (and Windows) a while ago, but I still use Ubuntu for stupid little IOT projects. I should probably learn how to build my own with Yocto, maybe that’ll be a future project. BalenaOS is great for quick a dirty stuff but Balena collects A LOT of telemetry from your system and it’s only a matter of time until they sell that data or lose it in a breach. It’s hard to give up what I’m comfortable with sometimes.

  • That would be where I’d look first. A lot of AIO manufacturers only write drivers for Windows. There’s an old Reddit thread that has a few things to try. If this is your first dip into Linux get used to googling things. A lot of things. Ubuntu or Kebuntu are great OS to start on because there is always a forum post or a Reddit thread that deals with exactly what you’re dealing with. Once you are more comfortable I’d move onto Linux Mint or straight Debian. All those nice things that make Ubuntu easy to learn will eventually also hold you back.