Another traveler of the wireways.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • This is buried toward the bottom of the release notes so I’m bringing it up here:

    Added instance-level default sort type

    Any admins out there considering changing their instance sort settings or asking people on their instance if they’d like this changed, given that we can individually set sorting anyway? Taking into account the inclination of people to never adjust default settings (I remain deeply curious about this tendency, as an aside), I think it might be worth at least bringing up to one’s instance community.

    If they decide they want it to remain the same, all good, and even better, it raises some people’s awareness that they can change it themselves.

  • Little feedback on the UI from taking a peek at this.

    When I went into settings and adjusted post display style from card to anything else, it wasn’t clear to me that this wouldn’t apply to the new For You feed, which left me confused and less inclined to use it. I still gave it a try to make sure I wasn’t missing anything and to see how much the feed seemed to change with some light interaction, but I think you’d need to use it more than I did to see an effect.

    Problem being: display settings not applying to the For You feed means I’m not going to use it much with the default card view.

    Second part is that there was some comment display lag as I looked through posts, so if I looked at a post about cats with cat-related comments, those comments would linger and appear for a moment under a different post about possums. It’s just long enough to be noticeable, so thought it worth mentioning.

  • Huh. I had to take a quick glance at the timestamp of this article to make sure it wasn’t old, as this was the same issue that inspired a short-lived fork a few years ago.

    I get where this article’s coming from, as I got where the people trying to fork it under a different name were too, however for better or worse I think what matters even more to people is that the software works well and has a good UX. If I remember right, I think Glimpse intended to focus on improving the UX but it didn’t last long enough to do much in that regard.

    Better than my memory though, here’s an article that gives some insight into what went into the cessation of its development.

  • At a glance this sounds even more intrusive than it’s been with Win10 (and maybe 11?), and sadly it’s no surprise as even without AI junk, I think the defaults with Win10 (and maybe 11) are to track your PC use to try to provide some “convenience” features, e.g. display of recently used programs/accessed files when you go to open a new desktop (Win key + Tab).

    If they would be more transparent about this and indicate whether and how much of that info, “anonymized/depersonalized” or not, is being taken by them, I think people would still be understandably annoyed but more understanding; at least with an easy opt out or better still, the default being that you must opt in for any of it.

  • At a glance, Misskey and associated forks may appear to be Twitter-clones, but dig a little more and you’ll find they’re a lot more, for better and worse.

    The interface is highly customizable, not just with some different colored themes nor a multi-column interface, but that you can stack page elements in columns and set up “antennae” or filters to surface posts including specified keywords and/or hashtags while excluding others via keywords/hashtags as well. There’s also what they call “channels” which I think are sort of like groups or dedicated topics apart from hashtags to post to and discuss whatever the channel topic is.

    Oh, and because it seems *key wants to have a little of everything, there’s Pages, which is basically longform blog posting, and some versions include simple games. There’s also options for some other widgets I’ve not mentioned here. It’s genuinely pretty wild compared to the other federated microblogging services with how much flexibility it has and all that it has packed in.

    I think the only other federated service I’ve found that’s comparable in flexibility may be Hubzilla, albeit I got the impression it’s less user friendly, but still, very customizable and a lot you could do with it.

  • That still doesn’t touch upon the negative to tethering users identity to instances.

    Sorry, I should have been clearer. What I was trying to point to was that despite the portability of identity, the fact that you may still be highly reliant on the Bluesky relay (or frankly, any large relay), tethers your identity to them as without the relays there’s kind of no point to having a personal server at all.

    Moreover, given the reference model provided via the Bluesky App, there’s a good chance you’ll run into similar arrangements on the AuthTransfer protocol where personal servers and appviews are joined together to essentially create instances (or entryway services I think they call them). One of the remaining distinctions from this entryway instance arrangement and ActivityPub then would be which relay or relays your entryway instance connects to.

    Lastly I understand what you mean about people bouncing off Mastodon, but at the same time you kinda lose me here. You clearly mention the Fediverse preceding Mastodon yet then conclude with people having a bad experience with Mastodon meaning the rest of the Fediverse isn’t for them…? We’re using another variation of the Fediverse and ActivityPub here, so we’re both aware there’s more to it than that, even in the microblogging space, so I’m kind of confused on this point.

    Nevertheless, I otherwise agree, it’s good that people have more alternatives to get away from the trashfire Twitter’s become (arguably even more of).

  • use[r] identities are not tethered to instances

    Tbh while this is technically true, given the current circumstances, identities essentially are tethered albeit in a roundabout way. What I mean by that is, there’s no real point to them* without some relay and appview to work with, and for now, that’s just Bluesky.

    That said, I agree that it would be better to go to them than to Twitter (if they’re not even considering stuff like Mastodon), but that’s a low hurdle to clear.

    *-A caveat, supposedly it could be possible for personal data servers to connect to each other directly instead of via relays, but I haven’t come across anyone having tried this yet.

  • I’ve read and reread, listened and relistened to info on docker/containers and I still feel like I’m missing something tbh.

    Let’s say you have a docker container for something and it’s for a Linux distro, that won’t run on another OS, will it? Maybe not even a different Linux distro from the one it was made for (e.g. Ubuntu or Arch or Fedora or whatever).

    To go off your example, Docker’s not like an expansion module to make your Switch games work on a PlayStation or Xbox…Right? There seems to be some kind of mixed messaging on this, the way they’re so readily recommended (which seems to be related to a presumption of familiarity that often isn’t there toward those inquiring).

    I guess I’ve also been confused because like…Shouldn’t old installers handle bundling or pulling relevant dependencies as they’re run? I’d imagine that’s where containers’ security benefits come into play though, alongside being virtualized processes if I’m not mistaken.

  • Probably for similar reasons as to why they moved from Reddit. Also configuring their own instance to approximate a traditional forum would honestly kind of undermine the whole point of using Lemmy or the like to begin with (at least imo).

    I understand the sentiment of wanting them to to make their stuff easier to follow & post to from here and other places in the Fediverse, but from what they wrote, I get the sense that this format simply isn’t what they were ever looking for in terms of fielding discussions/questions. Their move to Reddit was more of a compromise for where they were at with the project at the time, but now that Jellyfin’s more developed in terms of the software and community, a forum is a more workable prospect.