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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • My 6.5yo is playing it with me and he loves it. We got the DLC edition or whatever and are level 50 about to play the final boss of the main game, haven’t reached the Stronghold yet or any of the DLC.

    There’s a bit of a learning curve, but so far I’ve been able to teach my son that Green(Rare) and Orange (Unique) are better than Common (Grey). For items and gear, higher level items are almost always better, for pools of mobs he’s better off kiting and using ranged attacks.

    He can’t read much yet, so I have to explain what the enchantments are and he’ll upgrade if he likes them.

    I like the game way more than Minecraft Legends.

  • The DoD will soon be requiring itself and Contractors to start following Rev 5 of the NIST SP 800-53 Risk Management Framework. In this revision are more robust controls for Supply-side security, which the DoD has been trying to incorporate for over 10 years.

    Americans should know that the military and DOD and it’s contractors do their best to purchase authentic hardware from reputable vendors, but there are exceptions and alternate procurement allowances if the need is great and the standard more secure lines are unavailable or simply on back order.

    It’s usually then that some of the fake hardware makes it into use

  • I listened to the 50h audio book in preparation for the TV series. I really hope they can do a good job of visualizing the subtlety between character’s actions, thoughts and hidden motives.

    The book was also pretty visceral in a few scenes it depicted (The Cellar, The Portuguese Ship, The Torture), I really hope they don’t shy away from those. The clash between civilization and barbarity is something that you don’t see very often, and my fear is that the show will spin the Feudal era of Japan as some passive golden era, when it really was a powder keg of war, death, and natural disaster.

    That’s karma, eh?