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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • That might be their internal reasoning but Apple will very quickly move to have these capabilities in house. Apple has been working on machine learning for a while but they don’t collect data so they are unable to build these LLMs.

    For now it makes sense for Apple to leave the liability of basing these LLMs on copyrighted data. If OpenAI losses those court battles, they take the hit for services rendered to Apple. None of that liability transfers to Apple.

    Meanwhile, Apple is going about this the Apple way by encouraging developers to integrate their apps into new frameworks being added. This gives them access to user data directly from the source allowing them to build personalized models.

    These models will likely be far more useful to the day to day mundanity of life than the hallucinogenic encyclopedia that is ChatGPT.

  • Yes. I understand the people who don’t use Apple products think they are smarter than those who do. Your list of common tropes is tiresome.

    The reality is quite far from what you imagine. People who actually understand technology, people who are in the tech industry use Apple products at a higher rather than those who are not.

    Instead of Apples well thought out walled garden, fools happily pay extra to play in Google/Amazon/Microsofts chain linked dirt pit. It’s hilarious what lengths people go to pretend that is a better experience; that rusty chain link with barbed wire is superior to walls

  • I agree.

    One can’t claim to love programming while calling the act of writing code being a code monkey. Whatever they actually love about the process may not exist in the industry.

    I would suggest they explore alternative roles and perhaps alternative industries. They sound like they are new to the industry so their ability to land a senior role is likely to lead to different disappointments.

    The best way to do something, often isn’t the best way to implement something. That’s why this is a senior role. The author does not appear to understand this concept and will be horribly disappointed when their perfect architecture is ignored by the realities of development.

  • “Media attention” doesn’t appear on your quote nor the entitreity of that Wikipedia article.

    The other two are merely your personal interpretation of how you split the phrase “professed refusal”

    Professed can as easily be satisfied by going on a piracy forum and declaring your allegiance to the movement.

    Refusal is what piracy is. The act of ignoring copyright law, is the refusal.

    “I do not agree with copyright law and will not be restricted by it” – This statement satisfies “professed refusal”

    I do not have to petition my senator.

    I don’t have to stand on a street corner with a sign.

    I will take it further and claim that you or anyone else adding arbitrary rules to how one must practice civil disobedience is antithetical to civil disobedience.

  • Plex with Apple TVs. This requires a lot of transcoding but I have dedicated hardware.

    I’ve tried many alternatives over many years but they all eventually annoy me. I’ve been doing this long enough to know eventually something better than Plex will come along but that day has yet to come.

    I don’t have any streaming services. They are all terrible and I prefer to put that money towards more hardware, mostly hard drives since my library is of the data hoarding style, ever increasing.

    My setup is entirely automated via various watch lists.

    IMDb watch lists and Plex watchlists as well as various lists setup to retrieve based on cast / director involvement that feed into Radarr and Sonarr allow titles to be added from my phone.

    The added benefit of a my automation setup is that I can lose a hard drive and the system will self heal.