• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • This statement doesn’t actually give a clear picture. It’s doesn’t explain why.

    It’s the windows fan curve more aggressive?

    What programs were being ran?

    What was the actual fan speed?

    What was the actual temp?

    What was the exact version of Windows/Linux?

    We’re these ‘experiments’ ran in the same hardware under the same conditions.

    You can choose to be LTT and just say whatever and pass it off as fact, or you can be GN and back it up with highly detailed facts.

  • To downplay these differences and claim that all distributions are the same is ignorant. Anyone who wants to get the most out of Linux should be aware of the wealth of options available.

    That’s the definition of not being user friendly. And it’s not like shoes. Because trying on a pair of shoes takes minutes, at a store that generally has hundreds of shoes available. And shoes literally do one thing. Your average user does not have nor want to spend nights and weekends troubleshooting the distro they’re ‘trying out’ to see if it works best, then to continue troubleshooting it down the road.

    But I do like how you ignored a lot of what of what I said, because it didn’t fit your response. Because unlike you apparently, I think of people besides myself. You also make wild assumptions about me. Should I show you my RHEL installation? CentOS? My Debian servers… I have dedicated hardware and VMs. And I also run Windows. Do I get to have an argument now… do I pass your weird gatekeeping threshold?

    And that’s still not addressing the circle jerk where far to many people put linux on some pedestal, worship it, and assume their better than everyone because “btw, I use arch”. Like every distro isn’t going to try to milk as much money out of it as they can if they think they can get away with it. Ubuntu is the most approachable distro (that I’m aware of) and often gets suggested, especially to new uses. Linux is not immune to the problems that plague MacOS or Windows.

  • He’s always been incompetent. He was fired from PayPal for that very reason. He’s used his parents emerald business money to fabricate a career. He’s paid his way into being the engineer he clearly idolized but couldn’t actually earn himself. He bought Tesla, he bought Twitter, the “HyperLoop” was a hundred year old idea called a vac-train. Even the biggest selling point for SpaceX, were just plans NASA had decades ago but the technology didn’t exist at the time to pull it off. I mean the Boring Company… we’ve been successfully digging subway tunnels for a long time… the London Underground opened in 1863. New York had theirs in 1904. Elon in 2018 debuted a claustrophobic tunnel that was less than 2 miles long…

    If it wasn’t for daddy’s money, he would have been a nobody. But he bought his way into some sort of ‘relevance’ and has conned a lot of people who don’t understand science out of a lot of money. His greatest accomplishment is being a great conman.