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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • It’s all about trust at the end of the day. The easiest is if you have a position of trust already. I had an older brother, and while he was a dick a lot, he also looked out for me, and I could tell when he was being serious about something. He also loved science, and he wanted me to love science too. So I studied hard and learned how it works, and now I think he was right.

    He probably saved me, since I myself have always found more rebellious positions very appealing. But once you learn what the scientific method is, how it works and why it was needed in the first place, that sticks with you. It’s a method, not a belief, and just like your method for tying your shoes or riding a bike, it just sticks, because it works.

    If you don’t have a position of trust, you have to lean on things that don’t require it. Clean rationality/logic can be used, and make sure to very thoroughly go step by step. If A, then B. If B, then C. If C, then D. Don’t assume any like you’re talking with a peer, instead go extremely by-the-book.

    If they’re religious, you can use bible quotes. It does just so happen that Jesus himself was a rather opinionated fellow and left us a lot of material to work with. The man was even downright reasonable sometimes.

    You can also use history, if you’re strong at it. It gives numerous routes for dealing with these arguments.

    None will work reliably, but I think it’s a numbers game, where we just try to save what we can. First and foremost though, if you have a younger sibling, please be a good older brother/sister. They’re probably not ready for this messy of a world.

  • Everyone who goes there was not vulnerable to being influenced by facts or knowledge. Anyone who values a sound methodology for arriving at those will have stayed well away from the place.

    The gateway into that shit isn’t Truth Social. It’s attitudes that attack education spread at the grassroots level, and once adopted, it leads to distrust of any message that coincides with the establishment position.

    I mean, you’re right, but destroying it won’t help. They’ll just go somewhere else, worse. You can’t actually “cure” them with facts though, it just doesn’t work that way.

  • Noooooo leave them all there. It’s a containment space.

    I mean, look, they will always go somewhere, okay? This is the internet, trust me, there’s plenty of places. But that service makes for ideal containment, mainly because Trump is on it and it’s not connected to anything else. It’s perfect. Don’t fucking ruin it.

    edit: I mean, you want to shut something down with shitposting, go for the legacy outlets that provide them with a lot of their ideas and shit. Go after daily stormer or something, the older shit. Where a lot of the ideas originate, and the hardcore extremists get radicalized from. Those are more like the brain stem of the thing anyway, where truth social and fox are more like the body, the bulk.

  • Well, that’s one way to retain superior talent.

    But yes, it’s always specifically irritating to be around people much smarter and more talented than you. You literally can’t understand them much of the time, by the time your brain has processed one thing they’re saying, they’ve covered two more.

    And no matter how smart you are, unless you’re the actual statistical top dog, some people out there can do this to you.

    I always feel a touch bad for those people that did really, really well in HS and then go to college. That’s where I learned this anyway, I had just been the biggest fish in what was actually a pathetically small pond. Universities and professional workforces are not so small though, and they finally get barriers to entry, where everyone isn’t supposed to start at a certain age and eventually succeed. Was certainly a shock. lol

  • I just want to point out that our fairly optimistic views and plans for Lemmy has very likely specifically attracted trolling attention. We have a target on our backs, because some people just like attacking nice things. Most of the internet is not very nice, so does not need to be attacked. We are trying to do something different though, and that will attract some negative attention whether we like it or not.

    Since they want to have a chilling effect on the community, hopefully demotivating some of its userbase, it is necessary to embody a willful refusal to be chilled.

    For each of us.

  • Well, if you live metroidvania you probably already know all the good ones already.

    Yes, Your Grace was a fun little story-driven thing. Or go big and branch out, something like Fire Emblem could easily soak up numerous trans-continental flights. If you’ll get in-flight wifi, something like Mario Maker 2 could also fit, since you’ve got some platforming chops. It’s basically endless content.

  • We will never be able to compete with them for as long as they remain federated with us. We will simply have no unique value any longer. All of our development–open source. All of our content–available to the federation. He will have rightful possession of it all, everything we are.

    However, he does not have to share his development with us. He does not have to share his hardware resources with us. He does not have to limit himself to only the capabilities that we want to be added.

    He can, if absolutely necessary, buy us. One big Instance at a time.

    Our only path forward with any independence is to defederate immediately and ruthlessly. This way, we keep our content. We keep that unique contribution, that we can use as a competitor to eventually demonstrate our value to the rest of the world. That’s the only way possible for us to have any chance of eventually toppling him, instead. We must retain our unique value. We must protect our content. If he wants it, make him scrape it and repost it with bots or something.