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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • Mine was not really long and stretched out over multiple devices. First Ubuntu Server, on my server, then a Kali dual boot on my main PC (which was actually useful), then PopOS. Then Ubuntu/Debian, after some time LFS and finally Arch on my old laptop. Then Arch on my PC too, and my new Laptops, and finally Arch on all devices.

  • When selfhosting stuff, it’s just incredibly difficult to properly set this up while maintaining compatibility with http for other stuff. Usually you’ll have one reverse proxy (eg. nginx) handling http/https encryption and forwarding to a socket (or in case of docker, one of a dozen open ports on one of a hundred interfaces, fuck you docker), over http. The APIs themselves almost never have direct https support, and even if I wanted to manage them directly, certbot only supports reverse proxies directly. So you need to differentiate between api and non-api in the reverse proxy.