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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Their point

    oh geez, thank you for explaining someone else’s point, you must be quite an insider into their thoughts 😂

    was that they never “found out”

    that is not what was said

    why would you need or want to be that precise about your language

    you need to be precise with your language because that is what allows us to communicate ideas to each other and logic through arguments, eventually accepting or refuting them.

    for example you can call these two strawberry, and nuclear submarine, but it is going to seriously hinder your communication with others, because that is now what is commonly understood under these terms.

    you can see it in the comment we are discussing. because i read the implication original commenter tried to make as it never happened to me => it is not a problem that needs to be addressed.

    which is incorrect implication in itself, but more importantly, as i pointed out, the premise of the implication is flawed.

  • The 5 orders of magnitude gained from general computers to asics is standard knowledge, you learn it in the first year of any comp sci class. You can find it all over, for example.

    so, it is just your wishful thinking. you have no proof that this is going to be true, you just blindly extrapolate from the past… wait, that is how this discussion started… 😂

    There isn’t a difference. We don’t have some super magical mystical human thing that sets us apart.

    yes, there is, i have already answered that.

    A way to imagine how it can be possible for a computer to have thoughts and ideas

    just imagine this thing that is at the moment impossible and we have no idea how to do it or whether it will ever be possible.

    and see, once you imagine this impossible thing becoming true, this other impossible thing also becomes true.


    how easy, huh 😂

    I think it’s important to now let what we want to be true to interfere with our analysis of what is true.

    if only you would take your own medicine.

  • It is arbitrary to choose that all the good ideas came from “humans”.

    no, it is not. ALL ideas come from humans. period. machines don’t have an idea. they are tool aimed by a person with the idea. go there, sift through this pile of data and find a pattern in it.

    If we are going to give all credit for anything AI produces to humans

    we generally don’t give a credit to tools. we don’t give a credit to keyboard, microscope, centrifuge, a car, or any other tool we use in our lives. we give credit to people with ideas using these tools.

    then it only seems fair to give all credit for human things to our common ancestors with chimpanzees, because if it were not for their clever ideas, we would never have been here.

    no, it doesn’t seem fair to give them all credit for human things, but it seems fair to give them credit for their own actions.

    But wait, we can’t stop there, because we have to give credit to the original single-celled life forms, and eventually, back to the universe itself(like I mentioned before).

    it seems that extending an argument to stupid proportion so you can attack it is your favorite logical fallacy.

    Look, I totally get the desire to want to glorify humans and think that we have something special that machines don’t/can’t have.

    oh, the good old “lets be reasonable” approach 😆

    to what is right around the corner.

    got tired of arguing, so you decided to just present your position as a fact? there is lot of things “right around the corner”, but general artificial intelligence is not one of them. that doesn’t mean it is never coming, but it is absolutely not “just around the corner”.

    There is not some magical difference between our calculations that make it so we can make discoveries and machines cannot.

    yes, there is, and it is the very difference between GAI, which we have no idea how to approach today, and single purpose tool to sift through some data, which we have today.

    so far we have no idea what that missing peace is, when we find out, that is going the be the breakthrough.

    Imagine you teach your little brother how to play chess

    i like how you argue against yourself.

    your brother trying to beat the chess is not making any kind of discovery, is not “having ideas”.

    he is trying to brute force best way through rigid set of rules, which is indeed something that machines are better than us, because they are faster than us.

    when some day a machine wakes up and gets an idea (be it inventing new game other than chess, composing a song to express its feelings, or “i wonder what happens if i do this”) let me know.

    Your whole point is that if people do it, then it is some special discovery thing, but if computers do it, then it is just computational brute force. There is actually no difference between the two, (…) We made programs (… ) and then it went further and in the same direction that we were trying to go.

    when i teach a dog to run through agility course, it will run through it faster then i ever will. there is still difference between me and the dog.

    The usual speedup when we go from using generalized hardware to specialized is about 5 orders of magnitude(10,000x).

    i would be interested in reading something about this, if you have a link, because from what i have been able to google, that statement is gross exaggeration.

    but no matter what - even if this hardware will exist, and will exist for affordable monetary and energetic price - that is still just speed. it is not going to help chatgpt to pretend to be better chatbot, when it already learned on all written sum of human knowledge, but can’t differentiate between trustworthy source and the onion.

    it will for sure help lot of single purpose tools used for scientific research and i wish it to scientist as much as better microscopes, but the speed in itself does not constitute intelligence.

    I understand wanting to see humans as having a monopoly on “intelligence”, but quite frankly that era is coming to an end.

    i see you are big fan of the industry, but i would give you your own advice: don’t let your ego stand in the way of your judgement 😆