• penquin@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    Cool, now let’s ban Google, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and every single social media platform that does the same exact thing as TikTok. I have never used TikTok, but this is fucking bullshit. Facebook literally ruined elections and lives around the world.

    • natural_motions@lemmynsfw.com
      2 months ago

      Eh, I’ll take what I can get. The CCP is a far, far worse influence than the US, their global influence should definitely be restricted wherever possible until the regime changes.

      Anyone who has problems with US geopolitical behavior should easily be able to recognize the CCP as a path to an even darker fascist future for humanity.

      • trevron@beehaw.org
        2 months ago

        Lets drop this whole “lesser of two evils” thing. It doesn’t work in our two party system and it certainly doesnt work with comparing governments. Fascism is fascism. America loves having a boogeyman.

        The united states is fascist as fuck. All our tax dollars are funneled into the war machine to ruin lives all around the world to help make a few dick heads rich. We fund far right monsters in order to overthrow democracies and peaceful governments that don’t want to fuck with America’s banks. Civil liberties are thrown out week after week. The wage gap is a fucking joke. Nobody can afford shit. Homelessness is on the rise. Schools are underfunded. Police are militarized against the citizens. Protesting is becoming illegal basically everywhere. We allow corporations to run slave operations all over the global south in order to placate and distract consumers from their shitty existences.

        It is only getting worse. And the big reason they want to get rid of tiktok is because ordinary people are successfully sharing their firsthand experiences with fascist america. Its got nothing to do with privacy and everything to do with control. Young people are mad and organizing on the only platform that doesn’t have a US backdoor.

        • natural_motions@lemmynsfw.com
          2 months ago

          I like how you pretend people weren’t sharing their experiences and politics on the million other forms of social media that exist before TikTok. As if everyone was in the dark ages. I’ve seen all the ugly things happening in the US and I don’t use chinese spyware.

          China is not just a “boogie man”, it’s literally a technofascist state that tightly controls all information coming into, out of and circulating within its country. It disappears a million Uyghurs into hundreds of concentration camps and its own population is literally the only one on earth that doesn’t realize its happened. The brutalization of peaceful Hong Kong protestors was broadcast around the world and yet mainland chinese still think it was some violent uprising. People there don’t even know the truth about Tinanmen or Tibet.

          But somehow that’s all a gap in your knowledge of the world…hmmm, weird must just be a coincidence that the dude who gets all his info from TikTok doesn’t understand that China has the most developed censorship and social engineering apparatus on the planet…surely they suddenly give all that up when operating TikTok in the west.

          • trevron@beehaw.org
            2 months ago

            I accidentally deleted my last response when trying to put in an edit but it doesn’t really matter. You are arguing in bad faith and it is clear you don’t want reason. So I will leave you with this:

            Fascism can exist in more than one place. I am aware that the US got its current citizen control playbook from the CCP. I am not defending china. But if all it takes for them to threaten our national security is to let people know the proper truth about america, then I ought to let them do it anyways. The primary difference between tiktok and the other SoMe platforms is largely that american billionaires and israeli special interest groups have no influence there. So important matters that affect the working class (anyone whos not rich) are less likely to be controlled and manipulated. Therefore, it is more likely for regular people to get real information/news straight from the source/people. It’s not that difficult to understand.

            • natural_motions@lemmynsfw.com
              2 months ago

              Fascism can exist in more than one place.

              And it can take a far more dangerous and intractable form in one place compared to another.

              You are vastly, vastly understating the degree of fascist control in China, you’d have to in order to try and even begin to try and compare the US and China. You may as well try to claim that downloading Russian spyware gives you better info on the US affairs because they’re our adversary as well so they must be a better source of information than anything in the US, it makes no sense.

              China has a pointed interest in deceiving you, they do not have any interest in ensuring you have accurate information about the US and its history, you’re foolish to believe that they would.

              There is no true information about the US on TikTok that is not available to me outside of China’s information ecosystem. Yes, you’re not going to get reliable information from corporate media or far-right outlets, but that has not stopped me from learning about the black spots in American history. In fact I was taught many of those black spots in American schools. Go ask a person in China what actually happened in Tienanmen or in Hong Kong, or Tibet or what is happening to the Uyghurs as we speak.

              Here’s the difference that you are keen to ignore; The US information ecosystem is not a monolith. It’s why I can go and find sources that are reporting accurately about events in Palentine, or the protests on Columbia campuses. It’s why I learned about the Trail of Tears, the Tulsa Massacre, or The Battle of Blair Mountain in school, why I can find that kind of information freely on the Internet. There are many independent media and journalism outlets that, if I practice some basic media literacy, are not difficult to find.

              By contrast, the Chinese information ecosystem is a monolith, by design. It is built so that the state has control over all information and can censor at will. They are far ahead of the US in this regard, and when you carry water for the CCP by equating them to the US, claiming they’re better or “just as bad” you are pushing us further into fascism, not out of it.

              • trevron@beehaw.org
                2 months ago

                What you learned in highschool ain’t shit. Read more. US robber barons basically funded the third reich. Our oligarchs love that shit. There is a whole swathe of history they keep out of the textbooks.

                Your denial and downplay of fascism is exactly what allows it to fester in the states. Don’t be part of the fucking problem.

  • Bigfoot@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    These threads/articles always get the facts wrong, TikTok is not “getting banned”, they are just forcing the company to divest from it’s Chinese parent company.

  • Afkargh@beehaw.org
    2 months ago

    Interesting that Temu and AliExpress are also China owned, yet there’s no mention of any issues with them.

    • Scary le Poo@beehaw.org
      2 months ago

      I suggest you read the bill. It isn’t a tik tok ban. It’s actually quite a good piece of legislation.

      • Vodulas [they/them]@beehaw.org
        2 months ago

        It is a vague and sprawling piece of legislation that gives money to Israel and Ukraine, makes Fentanyl more illegal, makes money laundering for fentanyl more illegal, allows seizure and use if Russian assets, restricts “foreign adversaries” from distributing and maintaining apps, restricts “foreign adversaries” from transferring data away from the US, and makes Iranian terrorism more illegal.

        It does like 3 things that are fine, but these should all be different bills (the data transfer bits, seizing Russian assets, and sending aide to Ukraine, though that is getting iffy)

        It IS a TikTok band and explicitly names ByteDance and TikTok, and also vaguely defines foreign adversaries to the point where it could be any person operating in a country that the US doesn’t like.

        “Quite a good piece of legislation” is only true if you mean quite as sprawling and good as ill defined

        • Scary le Poo@beehaw.org
          2 months ago

          “sending aide to Ukraine, though that is getting iffy”

          This tells me everything I need to know. That you would even say something like this means you have no idea what you’re talking about.

          Additionally, you realize that those are all separate bills, right?

    • Bigfoot@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      If you think Taiwan and Ukraine are “other countries’ wars” I have bad news for you. It’s better to pay as much money as we can now before the payment is made with american lives.

      Israel is something else obviously, as was US involvement Iraq and Afghanistan. But the bulk of the money is absolutely worth spending if you value your freedom. It has nothing to do with the housing crisis whatsoever. The US has enough money for both.

    • Robin.Net (she/her)@beehaw.org
      2 months ago

      Conservatives have been purposely tanking uncontroversial legislation so that “Biden doesn’t get any wins”. Do you genuinely think it is possible for the current legislature to pass bills that would fix something as complex as the housing crisis?

      • FIash Mob #5678@beehaw.org
        2 months ago

        I would accept that as an excuse if the Democrats did anything meaningful when they have a majority, but they don’t.

        • Robin.Net (she/her)@beehaw.org
          2 months ago

          The last time they had a meaningful majority they spent their time (72 working days) on ACA (a major healthcare reform), pulling us out of a recession, appointing two supreme court justices, and so much more. They are known as the most productive Congress since Lyndon B Johnson was president. The last official majority they had they spent their very thin majority cleaning up after Donald Trump and dealing with COVID.

          Democrats don’t get strong majorities for long periods of time like Republicans do, and they are expected to fix every issue plus clean up after the newest national disaster that Republicans created. Maybe if we gave them time and a strong enough majority they would get more done.

          • FIash Mob #5678@beehaw.org
            2 months ago

            First, you should put this in air quotes: “a major healthcare reform”. It’s only a reform if you the consumer can absorb the price gouging required to access our health care system in the first place.

            Secondly, Obama had a supermajority for a time. He could have done anything if he’d have been willing to do the work.

            Americans can’t eat excuses, and for me at least, it’s no longer acceptable to simply be slightly less conservative than the other conservatives.

  • Responsabilidade@lemmy.eco.br
    2 months ago

    I thought that US was the country of freedom, but turns out that the freedom is just to racists, nazis and for them to fuck up other countries.

      • thingsiplay@beehaw.org
        2 months ago

        Because China is collecting information from millions of US citizens. Plus they control what the US citizens can see and interact with. US has no control over Tik Tok and that scares them. Why are Facebook and X not banned? Because Facebook and X are US based have to comply with the US regulators and share every collected information with the government.

        • RavenFellBlade@startrek.website
          2 months ago

          You do know that the overwhelming majority of investment and control in TikTok is already based in the US, and the only Chinese national involved with the app was the creator who already cashed out and retired a long time ago?

            • RavenFellBlade@startrek.website
              2 months ago

              60% of ByteDance is owned by global investors, most of which are based in the US. 20% is owned by the original co-founders, none of whom have any ties to the CCP, and the remaining 20% is owned by employees, almost all of which are in California. The overwhelming majority of the company is already owned by Americans. This entire thing is all about trying to silence a source of information that challenges and refutes government interests, particularly where Palestine is concerned.